Chapter 820 Points Continue to Increase ([-])

An Baobao suddenly turned into a chubby white-haired fox, and then clung to the shit-shoveling officer's lap and couldn't leave.

Mo Jiuxiao laughed and picked up his own lazy fox dumpling: "Why, I thought that Luo Luo turned into a fox because he wanted to walk faster? It turns out that Luo Luo wanted to be lazy."

A certain one climbed onto Mo Jiuxiao's shoulder and began to play dumb silently, staring at the shit-shoveling officer's nose with big eyes with an innocent face: What are you talking about, the baby is just an ordinary fox, it doesn't understand!uh-huh!

"Let's go." The excrement shoveler helplessly carried a large bunch of foxes on his back, allowing his shoulders to bear the sad weight.

Yueliu spoke at this time: "Master, this mine tunnel is not natural. It is said that some gopher monsters got through it, so it is naturally a bit small."

An Baobao raised his paw lazily: It's okay, the baby doesn't need to walk, hahaha!
Luo Anan successfully brought the laziness of a fox to the extreme.The poop shoveler's shoulders are shaking so comfortably, the baby wants to sleep!

Suddenly the shaking stopped, and An Baobao, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly regained consciousness: "Jiuqing, are you here?"

Mo Jiuxiao licked the fox's tail and said in a low voice, "No, there seems to be something blocking the way ahead."

An Baobao asked Linlang subconsciously: "Linlang, can I take it into the alchemy mine now?"

It's a pity that Linlang's little loli can't do this. The spirit mine is in a very deep place, and the distance between them is still a bit far away.

"Move!" An Baobao concluded after three seconds.

"Luoluo sure?" Mo Jiuxiao rubbed the little claws of Fox Tuanzi: "Since the road is blocked by stones, I guess there is no way behind. Does Luoluo want to make a passage directly? Isn't it a bit too time-consuming .”

Um, this baby An didn't expect it.The shit shovel officer is right, there is probably no way out.It would be stupid to open a path.

"Otherwise, dig a hole?" An Baobao said hesitantly.It always feels like a big project!
At this time, Linlang's little loli spoke again, bringing good news to An Baobao: "Master, don't worry, Ah Chou said it has a way."

Ugly Mole was sent out of the space, raised his two front paws and said to Luo An'an: "Master, I can dig a hole, so that sister Lin Lang can collect the spirit mine."

Luo Anan was still a little worried, the ugly mole's claws looked fragile, could it dig this hard rock?

Ugly Mole saw An Baobao's worry, and said: "Master, don't worry, I will gain something after sleeping for so long."

Baby An almost complained, didn't you sleep beauty sleep?
"Then try it."

The Ugly Mole dug into the rock with his claws, and then his whole body melted into it, as if what was beneath him was not a rock but a lake.An Baobao was amazed, this skill is not bad!Although there is no way in the sky, it is absolutely leveraged to enter the ground!

After a while, Baby An heard a voice again: "Ding, I got [-] catties of alchemist, and I got [-] points, and the total points are [-]. Do you want to open the exchange?"

An Baobao thought about it, but chose not to open it for now.

"Ding, the next inquiry will be in a day."

After a while, the ugly mole came up, and it could be seen that it was very excited, and it finally played a unique role among the many monsters in the space.

As a good host, An Baobao highly praised Ugly Mole and Yueliu, and asked the two to return to the space and rest for the time being.

"Jiuqing, let's take a break too." An Baobao felt that it was getting late, and the night in the secret realm was very dangerous.Although she mostly stayed in the space before, she also has a deep understanding of this.

Mo Jiuxiao never refused the request of his own little things, An Baobao changed back into a human form, and walked out of the mine hand in hand with the excrement shoveler.

(End of this chapter)

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