Chapter 821 Hot Pot Dinner
The two found a hidden place outside, then took out their small villa, and lived in happily.

It's been a long time since I slept with the shit shoveler, I really miss it.Of course, what An Baobao misses the most is the excellent cooking skills of the shit shovel officer.

That night, Baby An prepared hot pot for the friends in the space, and he and the excrement shoveler ate hot pot in the small villa, so happy.

Tender beef, mutton, and even a large piece of venison are neatly arranged on the table.There are also some duck blood, hairy belly, duck intestines, ham and kidneys, and so on.The soup base is the long-simmered broth, which is boiled in a mandarin duck pot and has a spicy aroma.

At this time, An Baobao was taking out a freshly sliced ​​black-bone chicken slice from the space.Mo Jiuxiao also put the fish balls, shrimp and crab sticks he had just made on the table.

Well, with An Baobao's suggestion, the side dishes in the hot pot suddenly increased.

As for the vegetarian dishes, it’s simple, just put cabbage, lotus root slices, winter bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, tofu and vermicelli.Hu Yu also fried a piece of crispy meat in space.

Paired with chilled plum wine, it's perfect!
An Baobao ate a piece of golden-yellow crispy meat, and then put a piece in the shit-shoveling officer's mouth.Well, this is not considered stealing!
Mo Jiuxiao was very understanding and put a large plate of beef into the red oil pot, and then slid the shrimp into the clear soup pot.The delicacy rolled a few times in the pot, and the aroma wafted out, and Mo Jiuxiao put it in the seasoning dish of his own fox.

An Baobao took a big bite wantonly, it's cool!

A lot of beef and mutton were prepared, but a lot of venison was distributed to the pile of foodies in the space.In addition to the two large plates on the table, there were only two deer legs left, which Mo Jiuxiao put aside and slowly roasted.

An Baobao put a large plate of mutton in the clear soup pot, and then put a few slices of Chinese cabbage in it, and the aroma immediately hit his nostrils.A certain one scooped up the mutton and put it on the shit-shoveling officer's plate: "Jiuqing, eat the hot pot first. The venison leg will not burn if it is placed like that."

After finishing a plate of meat, An Baobao filled both pots to the brim.

"Phew, it's delicious!" An Baobao took a sharp breath from the heat, but the expression on his face was very contented.There is a bit of chill in the night in the secret place, so it’s better to eat hot pot at this time!

While eating, Baby An suddenly laughed.

Seeing the puzzled expression of the excrement shovel officer, a certain dog was overjoyed: "Jiuqing, if people outside know that we are eating hot pot comfortably, will they hate us to death?"

Mo Jiuxiao took a sip of green plum wine, and when he thought of that scene, there was a smile in his eyes: "It really attracts hatred."

An Baobao picked up another fish ball in the spicy pot, took a bite and narrowed his eyes comfortably: Well, it's so elastic and delicious!

Mo Jiuxiao was also burning from eating, and there was a little sweat on his forehead.

Lin Lang harassed An Baobao in the space, and said obsequiously, "Master, can you finish eating so many things? If you can't finish eating, give us some fish balls and shrimp slips to try?"

"No, these are not enough!" An Baobao rejected Lin Lang's little loli very coldly.Don't think she doesn't know that all the cattle and sheep consumed in the space are based on their heads!A bunch of foodies have eaten so much, and they still covet the meatballs made by their own excrement shoveler!

Don't even think about it!
Ah, shiitake mushrooms are delicious!Ah, the hairy belly is delicious!Ah, this venison is really amazing!

Whatever you do, it's delicious!A certain one couldn't help but shed tears of happiness! (Actually being spicy.)
 What to do, the stupid author is hungry after writing himself in the middle of the night~
  Here is a hungry author who wants tickets~ I am hungry without dinner! 〒▽〒

(End of this chapter)

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