Chapter 822 Sleepwalking
After eating a delicious meal, An Baobao immediately threw himself into the arms of the excrement shovel officer and snored.That's right, the natural hot water bottle was referring to Mo Jiuxiao, holding the thief to keep him warm.

As a result, she slept until midnight, Luo Anan suddenly sat up and sniffed.It smells so good, why is it so fragrant?

As soon as Luo An'an made any movement, Mo Jiuxiao naturally woke up too.He habitually hugged the shoulder of his little thing and patted it comfortingly a few times. Unexpectedly, An Baobao didn't fall asleep again, but struggled to get up instead.

Of course, the eyes of a certain fox are still closed.

So fragrant, so fragrant!An Baobao muttered, walking forward by instinct.

Mo Jiuxiao woke up completely, and sniffed at the whispering voice of his own little thing.No smell at all?Didn't do anything in the kitchen?

Lingyue suddenly came out of the space at this time, and said seriously: "Don't wake up the master, just follow her."

An Baobao groped and stumbled out of bed.Mo Jiuxiao's expression changed, and he immediately took out a cloak and put it on Luo An'an.Then he took Luo An'an's hand and said very gently: "Where Luo Luo wants to go, Jiu Qing will go with you."

An Baobao moved his fingers, then clasped Mo Jiuxiao's hand with one finger, and continued walking.But with Mo Jiuxiao's support, his steps became much more stable.

The two walked out of the small villa, Lingyue followed them and protected them all the way.Baby An's little nose shrugged from time to time, and then changed direction.Mo Jiuxiao was both helpless and amused looking at his little thing with closed eyes. It's not good that this little nose is too smart!In the middle of the night, I have to look for something fragrant, I hope that thing will be useful to my Lolo.This is not in vain for the little thing to run hard.

The two walked for a long time before they came to the foot of a big mountain.An Baobao walked around the mountain again, and finally found a hole about the size of a manhole cover.

A certain one suddenly turned into a fox and got in, and Lingyue immediately turned into a Jiuling plate and followed in, leaving only Mo Jiuxiao with a confused face.Is this bullying that he can't transform?In the end, Mo Jiuxiao had no choice but to use the Transfiguration Technique on himself, transforming himself into a black fox and getting in.

Although the hole is small, it is very long.By the time Mo Jiuxiao caught up with his little thing, he had only traveled a third of the way.It was the first time that I turned into a fox and drove side by side with my little things. This feeling is still very subtle.

"Hmph." The further he ran, the more emotional An Baobao became, and the speed became faster and faster.Mo Jiuxiao groaned in his heart, he really couldn't walk with four claws!He couldn't keep up with his family.

Rather than...

Mo Jiuxiao did something that Lingyue despised and shocked. He turned himself into a butterfly and floated on An Baobao's back!As a man, you let your master carry you behind your back, what about your face! ! !

Mo Jiuxiao felt very happy and at ease, no wonder his little thing likes to be lazy, and when he finds an opportunity, he turns into a fox dumpling and paralyzes in his arms.This feeling is really good, so comfortable!Especially the fur on my own fox is still soft and warm, it is very comfortable to lie on!

Baby An, who was sleepwalking, had no idea what his shit-shoveling officer had done. At this moment, its four short legs were heading towards the fragrance source at full speed.Well, it's so fragrant, it's getting more and more fragrant!
Gradually, Mo Jiuxiao also noticed something unusual. There was a faint fragrance in the air, but he didn't know what spiritual things were inside.

(End of this chapter)

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