Chapter 824 Chapter 820 Five Surprises
Of course, this is not possible. Lin Lang said that stalagmites need a specific environment to produce stalactites. Obviously, space does not have this condition.

Leopard Zhun was very envious: "We have lived in the secret realm for so long, yet we still don't know that there is such a good thing in the secret realm! If we know about it, our cultivation will definitely improve a lot!"

Qingluan was also very envious: "Oh, I don't have that kind of luck!"

An Baobao turned around, and continued to turn again very unwillingly.Hmm, baby thinks there should be 10-year-old stalactites here!Otherwise, even if it is ten thousand years old, there is no way to attract the baby!
What's more, the aroma in the cave is getting stronger and stronger, which is obviously a sign of the birth of spiritual beings.

But no matter how An Baobao searched, he couldn't see a green or suspected green stalagmite.Baobao An was a little crazy like this, she patted her face, planning to rely on her little nose!

Hmm, eyes can deceive a fox.No, the baby's eyes are so useful, so don't slander them.

An Baobao turned into a fox and sniffed around, her cute and nimble little nose kept moving, um, the scent is here.Some fat waddling ass ran over and ended up in front of a... mushroom.

An Baobao scratched the ground with his paws anxiously, and confirmed that the scent came from this ordinary mushroom, but it seemed to be an ordinary mushroom.

Could it be that God foretells that the baby should drink mushroom soup.

"Master, why don't you wait for a while. The spiritual thing is not yet mature, so it's best not to touch it now." Linlang Xiaoliu suggested.

An Baobao was very speechless: "I'm not stupid, I know this naturally."

Luo An lay down next to the mushroom, intending to witness how unusual this mushroom was.

The fragrance became more and more intense until Lingyue, Mo Jiuxiao, who was outside the boundary, could smell it very clearly.The monsters near this mountain became restless, obviously they also felt something unusual.Those monsters gradually found their way over.

"Okay!" An Baobao suddenly felt something, and looked at the mushroom without moving.

The mushroom suddenly split a cross from the middle, and a very small opening flowed out.Suddenly there was a sound above the mushroom, An Baobao looked up, and a small green stalagmite slowly drilled out.

It's really a very small stalagmite, only the size of a finger of An Baobao, um, it's still the finger of Fox Claw Claw.

The stalagmite did not drip stalactites, but melted little by little, and then completely melted into a drop of liquid, which finally fell into the small opening of the mushroom.

In an instant, the gray mushroom glowed, and the color gradually turned golden.

"It's now, master, pick off the mushrooms!" Linlang said, throwing out a jade box at the same time.That's right, it's just the right size to hold that mushroom and keep the stalactites inside from spilling out.

An Baobao ferociously dug out the roots of the mushrooms, and directly dug out the soil where the mushrooms grew.The moment the jade box was closed, the fragrance in the air instantly faded a lot.Now the nearby monsters also wailed, probably because they knew that the spiritual object had already been taken by someone else!
Lin Lang opened the box carefully. She just checked the information and found that the age of stalactites growing on this mushroom will be higher and higher.Knowing this conclusion, Lin Lang planned to grow mushrooms in this small jade box.

By the way, Baby An was asked to dig another pile of soil and mix it with the spiritual soil in the space, so that the mushrooms would not survive!

After harvesting the ten-thousand-year-old stalactite, An Baobao was so satisfied, he was so happy that he wanted to sing him for three days and three nights! (Everyone: Don't be impulsive!)

(End of this chapter)

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