Chapter 825

A certain one was so excited that it wanted to shake the fox's butt three times with every step. Baby An's butt in the animal state was particularly...attractive.So much so that the excrement shovel officer saw An Baobao's ass, and wanted to grab it and ravage it.

An Baobao stepped out of the enchantment leisurely and contentedly. In her eyes, even the strongest enchantment is not as solid as a wooden board.At least she had to break the plank first to get through it.As for the enchantment, hahaha, this golden finger is simply amazing!

"Jiuqing~" An Baobao threw herself into the arms of the excrement shovel officer: "I'm so tired, Jiuqing hugged me and walked away!"

"Master, Mo..."

Before Lingyue could finish his small report, Lin Lang took him into the space.

"You, you're really free!" Little Lolita Linlang pointed to Lingyue and sighed, "It's nothing to make a small report, but in the end it's just to let them show their affection! What's wrong with the master carrying Mo Jiuxiao? Don't you live on my body every day? Are you still ashamed to say Mo Jiuxiao in comparison?"

Lingyue: ...I'm speechless...

Linlang's little loli was very serious on the surface, but in fact she had already accepted a bribe from Mo Jiuxiao.Well, there are a lot of hush money!

Mo Jiuxiao looked at his own fox dumpling with some dumbfounding, and comforted Baby An. "Lolo, you see it's so small here, how can I carry you out, huh?"

"Uh," An Baobao noticed that the surrounding area was indeed too narrow. "Then let's go into the space, baby."

"Yes." Mo Jiuxiao responded in a low voice: "Hey, sleep in the space for a while, or you won't be refreshed tomorrow."

An Baobao stepped into the space and began to count his gains.

There is only one copy of stalactites of 10 years and stalactites of [-] years, more than a dozen copies of stalactites of thousands of years, and dozens of copies of stalactites of [-] years.And each serving is a full bottle!

An Baobao called his friends over, and asked seriously: "I got a lot of stalactites this time, and I can share some with you. But do you want to eat it directly, or wait for me to refine it into a elixir before giving it to you?"

Several people looked at each other and replied unanimously: "Let's refine it into a elixir."

"Okay, then I'll take out five bottles of thousand-year-old stalactites for you to make alchemy. But the one-hundred-year-old stalactites are not of much use to you, so I won't share them with you." An Baobao decided.

The spiritual power contained in the century-old stalactites is relatively low, but the medicinal properties are not bad.An Baobao decided that this could be practiced into a pill in the future and given to friends whose cultivation base is not too high, just right!

Linlang's little loli suddenly made a sound, and said with a hint of malice: "Master, you want to know why Mo Jiuxiao just let you enter the space to catch up on sleep?"

An Baobao looked up in confusion, could there be something hidden in this?
"Master, look!" Little Lolita Linlang showed Baby An the scene outside the space. The fox with shiny black fur was running stiffly in the path, and it seemed that his limbs were not very well coordinated.

"This is... Jiuqing?" An Baobao said incredulously with wide-eyed eyes.

"That's right." Lin Lang nodded, Mo Jiuxiao's bribery would not let Lingyue say bad things, but she couldn't do anything else~罒ω罒~
An Baobao excitedly looked at her different shit-shoveling officer: "It's so cute!"

An Baobao immediately left the space and ran with his own shit shovel officer in the form of a fox, without crying tired at all.

The black fox visibly froze when he saw Luo An'an, and he said in a daze, "Luo Luo, why didn't you sleep?"

Two foxes, one white and one black, one fat and one thin, looked extremely coordinated.Although the black fox that Mo Jiuxiao turned into didn't have much meat, it had a big skeleton, so it was still bigger than An Baobao.

(End of this chapter)

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