Chapter 833 Advanced is still sweet potato

Of course Luo An'an knew this, and he was just talking about it for fun.A certain one said to the shit shovel officer without guilt: "Forget it, let's go to other places first. Jiuqing, there are a lot of babies, I forgive you."

"Don't worry," Lin Lang said suddenly, "Master, I seem to have detected a spiritual plant under this spiritual mine, and I can feel that its grade should not be low. Why don't you dig out the spiritual plant before leaving?"

This makes a lot of sense, a certain money-greedy fox really doesn't want to just go back empty-handed.

"Jiuqing, wait for me."

After Luo Anan finished speaking, he changed his appearance and walked out swaggeringly.

"Hey, hey, go away, this is my territory!" A monk saw a stranger coming, and immediately drove away Luo Anan like an old hen guarding his cubs.

Now everyone knows the immediate benefits, they can get points, and there are still a lot of points.So these people reluctantly reached an agreement to divide their respective fields, let's talk about it after getting points!If there are too many people who come late, you will really get nothing.

Therefore, this is probably the most peaceful treasure hunt. There is no time to fight, and they are all mining spirit stones.

An Baobao was not upset when he was driven away, but just went to the other side.Everyone saw that this monk didn't dig ore, but just watched leisurely, so they ignored him.Everyone is working hard.

In fact, Lin Lang was directing Luo An'an: "Master, come to the left, yes, it's over. Go a little bit to the right. It still doesn't work, why don't you go into a deeper pit?"

There was no way, the spiritual plant was buried very deep, and the space was too thick, Lin Lang couldn't directly receive the space.

Luo Anan had no choice but to smash open the spirit mine with a palm.The monks next to him thought that this person was a fool who had mined the spirit mine but didn't pick it up.That being the case, it's cheap for them!
Luo An'an struck fiercely with each palm, and soon the deep pit became deeper.About ten minutes later, Luo An'an finally heard Lin Lang's little loli say: "Master, enough."

An Baobao breathed a sigh of relief silently, this kind of hard work is really tiring.The baby felt that his hands were about to break from exhaustion.

"Let's go." Linlang's little loli took Ling Zhi back and told the master the news. "Master, it's a sweet potato."

An Baobao's body that was flying upwards at the bottom of the pit flickered and almost fell.What, I dug a sweet potato by myself after a long time!

"Isn't it Lingzhi?" An Baobao said with a sad and angry voice transmission in his heart: "Don't tell Baobao that it's just an ordinary sweet potato!"

Lin Lang's little girl didn't dare to speak out, because this is really a sweet potato, the kind that can be eaten.Just a little bit unusual.

"Ding, if you dig a piece of immortal jade potato, you will get [-] points."

Fairy potato?Luo Anan murmured these words in her heart, and suddenly asked Xiang Linlang: "Linlang, is this sweet potato... immortal food?"


They are all sweet potatoes, the one that Luo Anan dug up is lucky, it once grew in the fairyland, full of fairy spirit.And the sweet potatoes in Lingguang Continent only have aura.

"Is this worth it?" After figuring out what Xianyushu is, An Baobao was a little frustrated.No matter how advanced it is, it can't change the fact that it is still a sweet potato.

"It depends on how you define it," Lin Lang said after deliberation, "If the master intends to eat it, the immortal energy he will get is not as much as a piece of fairy stone. If the master wants to sell it, it should... be very valuable!"

It is so valuable that everyone wants to kill for treasure.

An Baobao flew back to Mo Jiuxiao's side, a little tangled.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

(End of this chapter)

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