Chapter 834 Your sister's daughter-in-law

Mo Jiuxiao was completely speechless about his own fox, the little guy was always so bold to do some dangerous things.I can't manage it even if I want to.

Not only can't manage it, but also solve problems for the little guy!
"Luo Luo, what's the matter?" The little bastard was frowning, as if he was about to make a major decision.

Luo Anan wrinkled her steamed bun face, and suddenly looked up at the excrement shovel officer seriously: "Jiuqing, do you like sweet potatoes?"

Mo Jiuxiao: ...

"Red, white, or purple?" Mo Jiuxiao also asked nonsensically.

"Hmm, it seems to be purple sweet potato."

Mo Jiuxiao nodded slightly: "Well, it's okay."

An Baobao made a silent decision in his heart, since he likes to eat, then let his family eat it.

Pay attention to the key words, my family, not Mo Jiuxiao.

Since the immortal jade potato contains a lot of immortal energy, people with low cultivation are not qualified to eat it!Therefore, Luo An'an decided to roast the sweet potatoes so that those few in the space could get a higher score. (Mo Jiuxiao [Indifference]: ... Then why is Luo Luo asking me?)

After solving a big problem, Luo Anan's mood improved again.Although the spirit mine that reached the mouth flew away, fortunately, it was not completely fruitless.

After calculation, my points should still be the highest, um, don't worry.

"Let's go, Jiuqing, let's go to the next place." After Luo An'an finished speaking, she deliberately let Lin Lang look around. This time, no one can be followed!

Seeing that Luo An'an was not angry, Yueliu breathed a sigh of relief: "Master, let's go, I remember that the next place, Fengling Mine, is a very precious material, and it would be bad to be caught first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yueliu felt his back was patted, and when he turned his head, he saw Xingluan, who looked soft, white and tender, stood behind him with a cold face. Although he was expressionless, he was cute The speed is still off the charts.

stop!Yueliu warned herself in her heart that no matter how cute the person in front of her is, she can kill herself without any effort, don't be fooled by his appearance!
"What's the matter?" Yueliu raised her eyebrows and looked at the person in front of her.

"You once told Mrs. An An that you want me to be your wife?" Xing Luan's pink lips uttered a few words coldly, which could freeze people into popsicles.

Uh, I got caught talking bad about someone!
Yueliu looked at Qingluan and Baozhun who pretended to be indifferent, would you die if you didn't speak?
"Nothing." Yueliu shamelessly denied, anyway, there is no evidence, even if there is evidence, Xingluan can't beat himself up.After all, they are all contract beasts now, and if they don't get along well, the master will be angry.

Xingluan knew that there was no way to find fault, but he was still so angry that he wanted to ask.Oh, I want him to lie under the man's body, and I don't want to see if I have the life to enjoy it!
However, the appearance of my own transformation was too much of a failure. The sissy appearance was exactly the appearance I hated the most. I hated it so much that I wanted to remake it!So when he heard that someone asked him to be his daughter-in-law, he became even angrier.Could it be that his appearance is so girly!
Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, your sister's daughter-in-law!

"It's not the best, otherwise, heh..." Xingluan said, secretly releasing his coercion.

Lin Lang looked wrong, and was about to pass when Ling Yue stopped him: "Let them go, nothing will happen."

Yueliu smiled wryly, but she didn't expect to end her hatred because of a joke, and the other party's cultivation level was higher than her own!

But if the master really promised him the stars, he probably wouldn't refuse.The first time he saw Xingluan's youthful appearance and weak temperament, a desire to protect suddenly rose in his heart, although he knew in his heart that this was an illusion.

Alas, appearances are harmful!
(End of this chapter)

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