Chapter 864 Accident
When a certain shameless fox was secretly peeping at the young couple taking a bath, Mo Jiuxiao had already rested and tried to take the tenth step forward again.

The pressure this time was unprecedented, and Mo Jiuxiao could even feel his bones creaking.Soon it broke due to the unbearable pressure.Mo Jiuxiao was still running the aura, and once the bone was broken, it would immediately start repairing and healing.

It took Mo Jiuxiao more than ten minutes to cross such a simple step.During this period, Mo Jiuxiao's bones were broken more than a hundred times, and each time was more painful than the last time.But none of the people present noticed Mo Jiuxiao's strangeness.

Mo Jiuxiao's face was still extremely pale, and he was sweating more and more.But his expression was as cold as ever, and he couldn't see any emotion.Therefore, no one knows what kind of pain this young man has endured in the past ten minutes.Even Luo Anan didn't see it.

No, there is still someone who knows.

Above the Nine Heavens, the Lord God looked at all this indifferently, his eyes had no warmth: "There is still a bit of resilience. But it's still too tender to want to be with An'an like this!"

After Mo Jiuxiao took the tenth step, the pressure on his body disappeared instantly.He breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, then sat down cross-legged and began to repair the injuries on his body.

Although the process is painful, there are benefits.Every time Mo Jiuxiao's bones were broken, he could feel the strength of his body increase.

This is also about quenching the body, right?Mo Jiuxiao thought about it bitterly, and didn't intend to let his little things know all this.

But Luo An'an still noticed something was wrong.

The moment Mo Jiuxiao felt relaxed, the pressure on Luo An'an also disappeared.An Baobao looked up immediately, and found that his Jiuqing seemed to be in a very bad condition.The shit shovel officer's face was too pale, like milky white wax, without a trace of blood.

"Jiuqing!" An Baobao exclaimed silently, not daring to disturb his shit-shoveling officer to heal his wounds.

"Eggy, what's going on?" Luo Anan asked the little dragon Eggy in the space.

As Mo Jiuxiao's contract beast, Eggy knows Mo Jiuxiao's physical condition all too well.However, considering that Mo Jiuxiao didn't want Luo An'an to know all of this, Eggy thought over and over again, but still couldn't bear to hide everything, and said carefully, "Well, Master Mo's situation just very bad, it should be very painful."

Not to mention the fact that the bone was broken more than 100 times, presumably Master Mo absolutely does not want Master An An to know this.

Luo An'an felt so regretful at this moment that she should always pay attention to Mo Jiuxiao's situation!Even if, even if you can't help him share the burden, you can't let him bear all this silently!

Thinking of this, Luo An'an felt more and more uncomfortable.When Mo Jiuxiao healed all the injuries and opened his eyes, he saw the little thing sitting obediently in front of him with tears hanging in his eye sockets, looking so pitiful.

Mo Jiuxiao's heart seemed to be grabbed by something in an instant, and it was painful, ten thousand times more painful than the broken bone just now.He hugged his little things distressedly, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter, Luoluo, baby, why are you crying? What happened, tell Jiuqing, huh?"

When Mo Jiuxiao said this, An Baobao's tears finally couldn't help falling down.
The excrement shoveler hurriedly wiped away the tears of his own fox, "Good boy, stop crying? Baby stop crying, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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