Chapter 865
Mo Jiuxiao was really at a loss for what to do. In the past, when I was a little boy, I always cried with three points of unreasonable trouble and three points of sarcasm. How can I exude a strong sadness like today, from the inside to the outside? !
Luo An'an stretched out her hand to form a barrier with tears in her eyes, then threw herself into Mo Jiuxiao's arms and sobbed softly.The sound was softer than any crying before, but it made Mo Jiuxiao feel more distressed than any other crying.

Mo Jiuxiao patted Luo An'an's back lightly, and comforted her in a voice so gentle as to drown her: "What's the matter, can you talk to Jiuqing, eh? Baby Luo Luo, stop crying, okay?"

Luo Anan just sobbed softly, but still refused to speak.

At this moment, Eggy communicated with Mo Jiuxiao with a guilty conscience. He didn't know that Mrs. An An's reaction would be so great!Fortunately, I didn't finish talking just now!
"Master Mo, that, just now Master An An asked me what's wrong with you?" Eggy finished speaking cautiously, and felt the tyrannical aura in Mo Jiuxiao's heart suddenly soar.He was so frightened that he rushed to make amends: "I, I didn't finish! I just said that you were in pain just now."

After hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't bother with Eggy for the time being.

He hugged Luo An'an in his arms, said with a light smile, "Why is Luo Luo so delicate, huh? Just believe Eggy's nonsense? Jiuqing is fine."

"I'm not suffering because of this..." Luo Anan finally raised his head, his voice was nasal and his eyes were red. "I'm just sad, just now... I didn't find anything."

After saying the last sentence, Luo An'an's nose was sore, and she buried herself in Mo Jiuxiao's arms again, weeping silently.Compared with the shit shovel officer, I am not a competent girlfriend at all.If Eggy didn't tell herself, she wouldn't know anything at all!
Mo Jiuxiao was dumbfounded by Luo Anan's reaction. He gently touched Luo Anan's head, and said in a low voice beside Luo Anan's ear: "Okay, little crying bag is not ashamed. Luo Anan doesn't need to read this, I It’s okay to work hard alone. Isn’t it a lot easier for Luoluo now? If Luoluo is in such pain, then it’s better for me to bear it all. It’s better than dying because of a little crying bag, huh? "

Unconvinced, An Baobao made a muffled sound, and pointed a finger at those people outside the barrier: "Let those people go, we can't just be the two of us as human shields every time!"

Mo Jiuxiao said with kind eyes: "Of course I thought so. But it's not that I look down on them. I guess they will die halfway after walking five steps."

"Your Jiuqing is so powerful, of course you have to make the biggest sacrifice!"

Mo Jiuxiao persuaded his little things with a relaxed expression.I thought this would make Luo An'an work better, but who would have thought that Luo An'an suddenly raised his head, one eye was still streaming with tears, while the other eye had an indifferent red light, looking full of hostility.

"No, why!" Luo An'an's expression suddenly became very aggressive, with a bit of evil spirit: "They have no ability to protect themselves, they are the ones to die! Why, why do you want Jiuqing to go? Take it all!"

The more Luo Anan talked, the more excited she became, and she couldn't help but grab Mo Jiuxiao's collar: "They deserve to die, why do you have to sacrifice you every time! Just because you can save them, why should you get hurt every time! What!"

"Luo Luo, what's wrong with you?" Mo Jiuxiao had never seen Luo Anan like this before, and he didn't understand what happened to his Luo Luo.

At this time, Luo An'an's feeling of loneliness and sadness became heavier, and a deep sense of despair was added.One eye was weeping, but the other was very fierce.

"In this case, don't live anymore! Go to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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