Chapter 866 Out of Control
Luo An'an was talking, and suddenly struggled to get out of Mo Jiuxiao's arms.At this time, her mind was full of the scene of Mo Jiuxiao being struck to death by the thunder, playing it in her mind again and again!

"He must die!" "Yes, we can only live if he dies!" "Kill him, you must kill him!"

Luo Anan clutched his head, feeling very painful, everyone, everyone must make him a sacrifice!Once is not enough, why!
Seeing that Luo An'an's eyes were getting redder and redder, the other half of his face gradually became indifferent, and he was about to lose control completely.Lin Lang's little loli immediately used all her strength to drag Luo An'an into the space.

"Master, wake up." Seeing the radiance on Luo An'an's body, Lin Lang immediately ran towards Luo An'an with Little Rose in his arms, hoping that the soothing effect of Little Rose would calm Luo An'an down. .

"Go away!"

Luo Anan squinted his eyes, waved his big hand, and exploded a mountain in the space!

"Master!" Little Linlang yelled out in shock, and was stopped by Lingyue before she could pass.

"Lingyue, what are you doing, let me go!" Linlang's little lolita pushed Lingyue anxiously, but Lingyue still stopped her motionless.

"Don't go there, it's too dangerous!" Ling Yue said solemnly. "The master is now a real nine-tailed fox!"

In a ray of light, Luo Anan's black hair turned into white hair, long hanging down to her feet.Two fox ears also appeared on her head, and nine white and agile tails appeared behind her!But the most frightening thing was the expression on Luo An'an's face, which was cold and cold, but with a hint of bloodthirsty.

Leopard Zhunyueliu and the others fell to their knees a long time ago, unable to raise their heads under Luo Anan's coercion, trembling.

"What do we do now?"

Lin Lang's little loli couldn't stand it anymore with her legs weak, Luo An'an's coercion had never been so strong.It even made her a little uncomfortable.

"I don't know. But now it seems that we can only wait for the master to vent his emotions before making a decision." Lingyue thought for a long time before raising his head and giving an unreliable idea.

Lin Lang looked at the crazy version of Luo An'an who was blowing up mountains and seas, and couldn't help but rejoice that she had sent her master to a place without a spiritual field.Otherwise, when Luo An'an wakes up and sees the dead Wannian Lingzhi all over the floor, he will probably feel distressed to death.

Suddenly, Lin Lang thought of something, and asked Xiang Lingyue weakly: "... Is it because of that incident?"

Ling Yue nodded silently. "That's right, the master almost went crazy at the beginning. I didn't expect it to be like this now..."


Luo An'an's sudden disappearance made Mo Jiuxiao very worried.Although I know that my fox has entered the space, how is she doing now?Did something happen?

Thinking about it this way, Mo Jiuxiao can't wait to go into the space and spend time with his little things!
"Is there a way to let Mo Jiuxiao in?" Ling Yue asked looking at the situation outside the space.If this continues, he is afraid that the entire space will be blown up by the master.

Lin Lang wrinkled her bun face and sighed: "I've tried many times just now, it won't work. Mo Jiuxiao doesn't belong to the Six Realms. The limitation of space is innate, and there is no way to change it."

"I can't do this!" Ling Yue looked at Lin Lang, who was pale, and felt very distressed: "You must be suffering now, and you don't know what will happen if you continue like this!"

"It's okay." Lin Lang felt her stomach hurt like hell, but she still smiled. "Let's think of a way first."

Lingyue couldn't see Linlang's true state, he looked at Linlang, then at Luo An'an, and finally made a decision!
(End of this chapter)

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