Chapter 867 Don't Mess With An Irrational Woman
"Little Rosemary, I'm sorry." After Lingyue said guiltily, he cut a small cut on Little Rosemary's arm with the spiritual energy blade.The lavender medicinal liquid left her arm in an instant.

Little Rosemary instantly became teary, but she still held back her tears.Although Lin Lang felt distressed, there was no other way at the moment.This is the only possibility for Luo Anan to wake up.

"Go to hell! Why did you kill him! You should die!"

Luo An'an was completely caught in a hallucination at this time. She saw Mo Jiuxiao die in front of her again and again, and she failed to prevent this from happening every time.This made her heart feel like boiling oil all the time, it hurt so much!

Mo Jiuxiao's smile before he died, and the last view of Mo Jiuxiao's back before he died, made Luo An'an's tears blur his vision.

"Jiuqing, don't die, don't die, okay?" Luo Anan never knew that she could still cry so painfully and helplessly.

Impossible, how could my Jiuqing die?How could it be possible to die again!Never!
So she crazily attacked all around, wanting to kill him, she jumped over her corpse!

In a practical sense, Luo An'an is almost crazy... almost.

Lingyue collected the rosemary juice into a small bottle, and then flew towards Luo An'an.

Luo Anan sensed that someone was coming, and the murderous aura on his body became heavier.She turned her hands into claws and grabbed the opponent fiercely.Ling Yue couldn't dodge in time, and was caught by Luo An'an with a long trace.

"Hiss—" Ling Yue gasped, he was a holy weapon, and it should be the hardest magic weapon in the world.Unexpectedly, the master could scratch and hurt himself, what a powerful claw!

At this moment, Lingyue has a new understanding of the power of the mad woman.

Luo An'an didn't give up with one blow, but the attack became more and more fierce!At this moment, she is very good at showing the true appearance of a fox, full of wildness, sensitivity, and beast-like intuition.Every time, it is easy to predict where Lingyue dodges and attack harder!
As for Lingyue, as an experienced holy weapon that has experienced countless battles.Even being beaten by Luo An'an has no power to fight back, let alone feed Rosemary concoction to Luo An'an to drink.What's even more tragic is that Lingyue found that he couldn't escape.He was caught by his master, and he was hanged and beaten in 360 degrees!
Lingyue: ...Although it's embarrassing, he still wants to shout, help! (⊙o⊙), my master has gone mad!

From now on, that calm little Zhengtai is no longer calm!
At the critical moment, it was Lin Lang who saved Ling Yue's life.She took Luo An'an's God's Domain card and contacted Mo Jiuxiao.


The shit-shoveling officer's voice suddenly appeared, making Luo Anan stop instantly.

"Jiuqing?" Luo Anan was startled, are you alive?
Ling Yue saw the opportunity and immediately hit Luo An'an on the neck, Baby An suddenly fainted, and was then fed rosemary juice by Ling Yue.

"It's delicious." Luo Anan murmured in a daze, and fell asleep taking advantage of the soothing effect of rosemary.

"Huhu—" Little Linlang slumped on the ground, finally heaving a sigh of relief.After that, he put away the God's Domain card, resolutely not giving Mo Jiuxiao a chance to discover Luo An'an's true identity.

Well, Lin Lang covered the God's Domain card with her hand just now.Mo Jiuxiao could only hear the voice, but could not see anything else.

Watching Luo An'an finally fall asleep like a dead pig, the nine tails and ears on her body disappeared, and her hair gradually turned back to black.Lingyue asked Linlang, "What should I do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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