Chapter 868 Wake Up
Lin Lang's little loli recalled the thrilling place just now, and immediately said ruthlessly and without hesitation: "Throw the master to Mo Jiuxiao!"

Ling Yue nodded in agreement: "Good idea!"


Luo Anan: two will die when I wake up!

Mo Jiuxiao felt that there was suddenly no movement on the other side, and when he was about to ask, he felt a familiar smell around him.As soon as he lowered his head, he saw his little thing sleeping next to him in a state of embarrassment, with a lot of sweat on his forehead, and his hair was a little messy.

According to Luo An'an's judgment of himself, this appearance has reached the state of being very sloppy and unsightly!It's a look that you absolutely can't let your boyfriend see!

Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao's heart ached, Luo An'an's small face was still a little sickly pale.The bangs on the forehead were wet and stuck to the head, looking very uncomfortable.He gently hugged his baby fox, then took out a soaked handkerchief from the storage ring, and gently wiped Luo Anan's face.The movements are so soft that they don't look good.

I don't know what happened just now, how did the little thing become like that?Seeing the uncomfortable look of my own fox, it must have been very painful just now.

After helping Luo An'an wipe off his sweat, Mo Jiuxiao noticed that Luo An'an's clothes were also wet, and he must have sweated too much.In this regard, Mo Jiuxiao, as a cleanliness addict, said that he couldn't bear it!so……

Mo Jiuxiao straightly took off Luo An'an's clothes, straightly helped her wipe her body, and then straightly helped her change into another set of clothes!During the period, Mo Jiuxiao also kindly visited Xiao Baozi Luo's development.Well, the results are very gratifying.

After Mo Jiuxiao finished all this uprightly, Luo Anan also woke up with a groan.

A certain one clicked its mouth first, savoring the remaining sweetness in its lips.It was only later that I realized that my clothes had been changed.

An Baobao looked at the clothes, then at the shit shovel officer, with a dazed expression on his face.What just happened and why did the baby fall asleep?
"Jiuqing, what happened just now?" Luo Anan was very puzzled, she clearly remembered crying in the arms of the shit shovel officer, and then...

Then what happened?
Mo Jiuxiao checked Luo An'an's emotions carefully, and after finding that there was really nothing wrong, he said calmly: "Luo Luo just fell asleep crying and crying, and she also drools and snot on her clothes. So I changed your clothes for you."

An Baobao is very ashamed of what she said. Is she so stupid when she falls asleep?Still drooling and runny nose!

No, even if he sleeps differently, that's not the reason for the shit-shoveling officer to pick up his clothes!Cleaning techniques can be used to clean clothes when they are dirty!

Mo Jiuxiao didn't intend to say more, but just stood up and hugged Luo An'an: "Let's go, let's go to the next stone room."

The little girl Linlang in the space also breathed a sigh of relief, and then sternly warned the others: "No one is allowed to tell the master what happened just now, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless! As for the identity of the master, you are all rotten!" I act like I don’t know anything!”

The contracted beasts immediately agreed in a daze after listening, oh my god, the shock they received today is a bit big, and they still can't react!

There was a cold light in Lingyue's eyes, and then he knocked all these people unconscious with his palm.

"Lingyue, what are you doing? You don't want to kill beasts, do you? No way!" Little Linlang said in horror.

Ling Yue shook his head: "These people don't need to know so much for the time being, it's not good for them. Lin Lang, I remember you have a pill that can make people lose a short memory, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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