Chapter 872

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the fourth secret room was empty, with nothing in it!

Lan Tingyi and the others looked at each other regretfully, well, they were all ready to fight, but they didn't expect it to be useless at all.

But yes, who would have thought that this secret room, which no one had ever entered, was actually empty?

Just when everyone was on alert, Mo Jiuxiao suddenly said coldly: "Be careful, there is a voice."

Several people immediately held their breath and listened attentively.Sure enough, there was a slight movement at first, but I couldn't hear what it was.But gradually, the sound became louder and louder.

Jing Chen frowned, "It sounds like the sound of flapping wings?"

Gou Zai said weakly: "I sound like a bee!"

bee!Everyone's face changed, it was definitely not an ordinary bee, and this kind of monster was the most troublesome!The quantity is large and the size is small, if it is poisonous, it will be more difficult to deal with!

Ren Xingzhu looked at Mo Jiuxiao, obviously, he had no intention of caring about them.Fengxue is also a little helpless, Mo Jiuxiao doesn't care, he can't ignore it!
"Ren Ya, you and I will attack later. Lan Tingyi, Jing Chen, you are in charge of defense. Ren Xingzhu, you... Forget it, you can figure it out." Feng Xue quickly arranged the battle strategy, and they also surrounded Form a circle, both offensive and defensive.

Mo Jiuxiao didn't respond at all, he walked forward quickly with Luo An'an in his arms, and began to study the fifth stone gate.It's just that at the same time, his surroundings were covered with dense thunder and lightning, flashing lavender light.

The sound of the wings vibrating became louder and louder. Finally, bees emerged from the small holes on the top of the stone chamber, buzzing and rushing towards them with their wings flapping!

After seeing the appearance of the bee clearly, Feng Xue's expression changed immediately and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is the spirit-eating bee!"

The faces of the others also turned pale suddenly, obviously very afraid of this kind of bee.

Spirit-eating bees are generally second-level monsters, and they are not difficult to kill.But the scary thing about this product is that it can eat anything!Whether it's a human, a beast, or a magic weapon of spiritual power, this thing can be chewed!Moreover, they are numerous in number, small in size and agile in movement.If you don't pay attention, you may be gnawed into a pile of bones by them!
In the face of this kind of monsters, the only way to quickly destroy them is nothing else will work!The stomachs of these spirit-eating bees seem to be connected to different dimensions, and they can digest anything!No, Ren Xingzhu's fire barrier has already been gnawed out by them.

Lingyue looked at these spirit-eating bees in the space, with a smile on his face: "This is a good thing, Lin Lang, catch those queen bees and queen bees."

Lin Lang knew about this thing, she said worriedly: "What if they fly around in the space, these guys eat everything, how do you trap them?"

Ling Yue said confidently: "Don't worry, I have my own way. There is always something that can deal with them."

"Be careful, Lan Tingyi, Jing Chen, you also come to deal with them. These guys can even eat spiritual energy shields!" Feng Xue shouted to them while strengthening her wind spell.

Only Mo Jiuxiao was the most relaxed at the scene. Before the spirit-eating bees could get close to him, they were smashed into coke by dense lightning and fell on the stone slab.What's more, one will die and the other will die. Over time, those spirit-eating bees will stop attacking Mo Jiuxiao.

Although the spirit-eating bee could also eat Mo Jiuxiao's lightning, it still couldn't hold back Mo Jiuxiao's lightning, which was too fast and had a strong attack.Those spirit-eating bees almost died as soon as they gnawed on a small trace of lightning. After all, they were only second-level monsters, and they were too fragile.

At this time, Mo Jiuxiao was thinking and looking at the Shimen in front of him. There was no formation on the Shimen, only a sunken palm print.

(End of this chapter)

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