Chapter 873 Lucky Fox Claw
Yes, just a sunken mark and nothing else.

Mo Jiuxiao tried to push open the door, but found that it was just a useless effort.

In the space, Lingyue asked Yueliu to use ice spiritual power to temporarily freeze the queen bees.After Luo An'an woke up and made a contract with them, he didn't have to worry about these spirit-eating bees being disobedient.

However, there must be something good hidden in this secret room.Otherwise, it would be impossible to trap so many spirit-eating bees.

Mo Jiuxiao was lowering his head to study the door when a note suddenly appeared in front of him.It reads: The top of the stone chamber is dug open, and there are treasures hidden inside.

Needless to say, Mo Jiuxiao knew that this was probably the handiwork of the little thing's wit.So he hugged Luo An'an tightly, got up and wandered around in the secret room.A small hole appeared in the four corners of the stone room, and the bees came out from here.

Mo Jiuxiao leaped into the air, supporting Luo An'an with one hand and condensed a purple thunder towards the roof with the other.After a loud noise, the rocks began to fall down with a clatter, stirring up a cloud of dust.When the dust cleared, the mysterious thing inside was revealed.

There is a pearl-sized bead in the four corners, which is probably the treasure that Qi Ling said.Mo Jiuxiao used the floating technique to collect these few beads, but he felt cold all over his body before he got them.

In the end, the beads didn't reach Mo Jiuxiao's hands, but were cut off by Lin Lang halfway.Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao had no objection, and turned back to continue studying the door.

"What kind of beads are these? Such a strong ice-attribute breath!" Lin Lang was so cold that his hands loosened as soon as he touched the beads, and the beads fell to the ground with a rumbling sound.

Lingye picked up the four beads without any discomfort. "It turned out to be this thing, no wonder it keeps those spirit-eating bees frozen."

"What exactly is it?" Lin Lang rubbed her hands and poked her head curiously: "Could it be Xuanbing Crystal?"

"No," Ling Yue shook his head, with a smile on his face: "This is better than Xuan Bingjing. It's ice beads."

Bingzhu, although the name is simple, but the things are not simple at all.There are many spiritual objects with the word ice, but they are all "ice xx", which means that this thing is not pure.And the ice bead means that this bead is completely condensed with ice properties, without any impurities.

"According to this, it is very similar to the elemental stone of heaven and earth?" Linlang's little loli stretched out her paw curiously, but she was afraid of the cold and dared not touch it again.

Lingyue still shook his head: "It's not as good as the heaven and earth elemental stone, it's far behind. But Lingguang Continent can't find such a good thing. But let's make do with it."


Outside the space, Baby An was sleeping soundly, Feng Xue and the others were fighting desperately, and they only hoped that Mo Jiuxiao could open the stone gate quickly.

Mo Jiuxiao hesitated to put his hand into that fingerprint, but nothing happened.Although he knew this earlier, he was still a little disappointed.Then Baby An's hand stretched out.

"Crack!" The door opened automatically.

Lucky Fox Claw is definitely not just for fun, it has real scientific basis!
Mo Jiuxiao was a little sad, but immediately settled down, and carried Luo Anan into the next secret room.

Feng Xue and the others were all beating mad at this moment, and those spirit-eating bees dared not deal with Mo Jiuxiao because of their weakness and fear, and all came towards them.They are really hard to guard against!Now everyone's clothes have been bitten by the spirit-eating bees to have many small holes, and some even have a small piece of flesh bitten off!
Fengxue saw Mo Jiuxiao walking to the next stone room while he was in a daze. This is not the key point, the key point is that Mo Jiuxiao has gone a long way!
This is enough to prove that Mo Jiuxiao has no intention of telling them to leave!

Feng Xue felt wronged, and even wanted to cry.Lord Pavilion Master, I am your demon servant, do you even want me?Anyway, remind me!

(End of this chapter)

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