Chapter 874 Teleportation Array
"Go, go to another secret room!"

Since no one can save them, these poor scumbags can only help themselves.Fortunately, when they ran to the next stone chamber, the spirit-eating bees did not follow.Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief, thinking about what happened just now, they were still a little scared.

Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an are really two completely different people, and they only realized how good Master Luo is now.Without comparison, I don't know that I have been so happy!
A simple stone bed is placed in the fifth stone chamber.Other than that, no other items can be seen anymore.

Although Feng Xue was wronged, he still had to go to Mo Jiuxiao courteously to help him check the situation.

"There is a formation on the bed." Feng Xue circled the stone bed, but found nothing else.

"Formation? Brother Feng, what kind of formation is it?" Lan Tingyi also stepped forward and asked curiously.

"I'm not good at formations, so I can't see it." Feng Xue finished speaking calmly, then raised her head and looked hopefully at Mo Jiuxiao: "Master Mo, what do you see?"

Mo Jiuxiao was looking down softly at Baby An who was already snoring, and hugged her tightly again.

"Which one of you lie down and try?" Mo Jiuxiao didn't offer any brilliant suggestions, but let them try it themselves.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, try, try?What an unreliable idea!

In the end, it was Feng Xue who spoke: "I'll go!"

There is quite a taste of giving up one's life for righteousness in the words.

"Senior Brother Feng, you..." Lan Tingyi seemed to be stunned, filled with infinite emotion.Fengxue is ready to be stopped by them, and then he can go along with the flow and not go!
"Senior brother is really high-minded, caring for disciples, giving up their lives for righteousness and selfless dedication, worthy of being the direct disciple of the master! We are ashamed of ourselves, Senior Brother Feng, let's go all the way!" Lan Tingyi's mouth was like a machine gun, muttering non-stop, It only took two seconds to say such a long sentence.

Feng Xue: ...(⊙v⊙), no one wants to stop me?

Fengxue looked around sadly, and found that everyone's expression was "All the way, go well", even his cheap brother was no exception!

You group of people who have no love for each other!
"Lan Tingyi, you go." At the critical moment, it was Mo Jiuxiao who suddenly rescued Fengxue.

Jing Chen immediately took a step forward, and begged Mo Jiuxiao, "Lord Mo, let me go."

Mo Jiuxiao looked coldly at Feng Xue, then at Jing Chen.Finally spit out a few words: "You can be with Lan Tingyi."

Feng Xue was even more frustrated, he just understood the meaning expressed in Mo Jiuxiao's eyes: You are his own brother, why are you not as good as an outsider?loser!

Jing Chen didn't expect Mo Jiuxiao to say that, he was silent for a moment, and before Lan Tingyi could speak, he dragged Lan Tingyi to lie on the stone bed.Hmm... sharing the same bed?
Suddenly, the stone bed glowed brightly.The two above disappeared without a trace.

Mo Jiuxiao watched all this calmly, and as expected, it was a teleportation array.It's just that they don't know where Lan Tingyi and the others were teleported.But it shouldn't be an accident, after all, there is the condition of exchanging my own small things.Moreover, Lan Tingyi was chosen because he was related to the two factions of Tianmen Zongwenyu.

It's just that Jing Chen was willing to follow. It seems that the relationship between the two is much better than he thought.At least that kid didn't make any movement when Feng Xue was about to risk himself.

 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by "A Yu Xiaoruo" baby, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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