Chapter 876 The Cheerful Atmosphere

"What a cute fox, this is simply the cutest fox my baby has ever seen!" An Baobao praised extremely shamelessly.

Seeing Luo An'an woke up, the icy aura on Mo Jiuxiao's body that could freeze to death creatures within a radius of ten miles immediately disappeared without a trace, and turned into a gentle breeze and rain.

"Well, it's the cutest fox. Does Luo Luo feel better?" Mo Jiuxiao rubbed a certain little head and asked with concern.

An Baobao yawned a little: "Well, it's better, I'm not sleepy anymore. But I still feel weak in my limbs."

The underlying meaning is: the baby has not recovered and cannot walk!Those who shovel shit continue to hold the baby.

"If you don't have the strength, Jiuqing will hug you." The excrement shovel officer said very kindly, looking at a certain fox dumpling with eyes full of doting.

Satisfied, Baby An asked again, "Where are we now?"

"It's time to go to the sixth stone room." Feng Xue hurriedly replied.Thank goodness, Master An An finally woke up, otherwise they might not have been able to get out alive!
"That's it," Luo An'an was about to get up, but suddenly found a problem: "Where did Jing Chen and Lan Tingyi go? You couldn't be the ones throwing them to feed monsters, right?"

Mo Jiuxiao hugged Luo An'an in his arms, and used a gentle offensive to change the topic: "They are fine, don't talk about them, Luo Luo, let's go."

A certain one was easily diverted by Mo Jiuxiao, and then jumped off the magic weapon of Yun Duo.

Mo Jiuxiao frowned slightly: "Can Luo Luo go?" Didn't you let me hug you just now?
An Baobao stretched and twisted her ass: "Let's wait a while, the baby's body is so stiff now, it's better to move around."

"Let's go." Since that was the case, Mo Jiuxiao didn't say anything more.

"Lu la la lu la la la la, the baby is the cutest, the baby is the most beautiful." Luo Anan became happy and began to hum a ditty.It's really... hard to hear.However, Mo Jiuxiao praised with an admiring look: "Luo Luo sings really well."

"By the way," An Baobao suddenly slapped his head, quietly moved to the excrement shovel officer and said: "Jiuqing, did you get any treasure just now?"

"Yes, it's all in your space."

Luo An'an is really satisfied, only the fox who gets the treasure is the perfect fox.A certain one moved its ears and said excitedly: "Jiuqing will see the baby in a while, the baby is the best at finding treasures!"

With Luo Anan present, the atmosphere in the stone room suddenly became much happier.

The sixth secret room is full of sundries, but there is an empty table in the middle, on which is a very difficult array puzzle.Dozens of pieces are missing from the jigsaw puzzle. It seems that we have to find them one by one and complete the formation at the end!

But...there are too many things in this room.

"Look for the debris first!" An Baobao made a decisive decision, and started to search for the debris. "These things are okay, but you can put them in the storage ring and sell them in the end. But the fragments will stay first."

With motivation, everyone's interest is naturally higher.Obviously they are very interested in spirit stones, not all monks can float spirit stones like Luoan Anmo Jiuxiao.If the masters of those disciples are not skilled in a particular skill, their masters will only be poorer than them.

So if you want to make a fortune, you still have to rely on yourself!

Those big objects were allowed to be put into the storage ring, and the space in the stone room instantly seemed much larger.Hidden fragments are naturally exposed as well.But... is it too much?
Luo Anan looked over at a glance, and after a rough count, there were hundreds of fragments!But there are only a few dozen that are really missing!

(End of this chapter)

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