Chapter 877 Jigsaw Puzzle
Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and you don't know what to do.

Feng Xue picked up a few fragments and compared them, then frowned deeply: "This is not easy, Master An'an, many fragments look exactly the same."

"Bring the pieces here." An Baobao said with narrowed eyes.

When Mo Jiuxiao saw his little thing like this, he knew what she wanted to do.He stretched out his big hand, and all the fragments floated in front of Luo An'an, forming a small pile.

Luo Anan turned around and glanced at the platter, um, it was green.That piece is also green.

I saw Luo Anan pick and choose, and immediately found dozens of fragments and piled them aside.Everyone else looked at it in a daze, not knowing how Luo An'an was picked out.So random, did you really find the right piece?

The most difficult link that a certain person has completed with his own innate skills is about to start the level that really tests IQ.

"Jiuqing, give me paper and pen." An Baobao said without looking up at the formation.

After receiving the things, Luo Anan immediately drew the outline of the formation, and then wrote and calculated.In the end, a very complex formation was drawn.Feng Xue, who was watching from the sidelines, had mixed feelings.It's like a pile of boxes accumulated and superimposed. The bully can see the force distribution map of each box, while the scumbag only knows that the box has received the gravity of the earth.Nothing else can be seen.

It's like the current Fengxue who is crushing a few people, they only know that this is roughly a formation, but they can't see anything else.

Mo Jiuxiao's research on the formation is very deep, but it is not as thorough as Luo An'an's natural ability.But he could understand this formation, so he picked up the fragments and helped Luo Anan put together the formation.

"Hey, Jiuqing, this one should be placed there, right?" Luo An'an saw that Mo Jiuxiao had placed a fragment in the middle of the formation, and said with some disapproval.

Mo Jiuxiao didn't speak, but obediently picked up the fragment and placed it in the location designated by Luo An'an.The two have a good understanding and the cooperation is very smooth.But in 5 minutes, the original incomplete formation was pieced together.

"Wrong?" Luo Anan couldn't help being puzzled when he put down the last fragment and found that the formation still didn't respond.It shouldn't be like this!

"There must be something wrong." With a faint smile on his face, Mo Jiuxiao looked at his own fox leisurely.

"Impossible, there's no problem anywhere." An Baobao said with a guilty conscience.Of course she knew there was a problem, otherwise the formation would have been activated long ago.How could there be no reaction at all.

Mo Jiuxiao smiled, then picked up the piece that Luo Anan said was misplaced just now, and exchanged it with the piece in the middle.When Mo Jiuxiao's slender and well-proportioned hand completely placed the fragments, the formation instantly emitted a soft light and became complete in an instant.

Finally, the underside of the table was opened, revealing a rosewood box.The box should contain the treasure of this secret room.

An Baobao looked a little frustrated, and Mo Jiuxiao deliberately held the box in front of her to coax her: "Lolo, open it and see what's inside?"

When the box was opened, a crystal clear luminous pearl appeared in everyone's sight, emitting brilliant colorful light in the dim light.The stone room was instantly bright as day.

"It's so beautiful!" Ren Xingzhu couldn't help exclaiming, this bead is so beautiful.

Mo Jiuxiao took out the beads and put them in An Baobao's hand, only for Qianjin's smile: "Luo Luo, do you like it?"

Before Luo Anan could speak, he felt the change in his body.Her body, which was still weak just now, was instantly filled with vitality and refreshed, and she no longer felt weak as before.

In the eyes of everyone, the moment Luo An'an got the beads, his temperament suddenly increased, and he was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

(End of this chapter)

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