Chapter 891 Flattery ([-])

Baby An over there solved the problem, and immediately returned to his original nature, calling "A Yuan" one after another, where was the guilty address "Senior Brother Lin" just now.

When Lin Shiyuan just sat down, Luo An'an set up a sound-proof barrier around him, and Feng Xue was isolated from the barrier.

In a short time, all the spirit pigs Fengxue had on hand were sold out, so she had to come back to restock.As a result, after taking two steps, he found that he was isolated from the barrier.The pain in Feng Xue's heart can be imagined, people who owe debts and sell themselves have no human rights, even if they sell meat, they won't let them go back! (Luo An'an: Fengxue, a playwright, please don't be so ambiguous in your words, please add the word "pig" in the middle of the meat sale, thank you.)
"Master An'an, let me in." Fengxue knocked on the barrier helplessly, begging Luo Papi to let him go.

"The speed is pretty fast!" An Baobao gave a rare compliment: "Well, are you done?"

"No, Mr. An'an, let's bring out some more spirit beasts, but can we replace them with cattle and sheep this time? There are also more seasoning bags." Fengxue said helplessly, and stood up and waited for her life The second meat selling mission.

"The young man is good, he has a talent for sales." An Baobao took out a slaughtered spirit sheep and spirit cow from the space, and brought out another spirit pig. "Well, you can decide the price, but the price of spirit sheep and spirit cattle is a bit more expensive. By the way, how many points did you get just now?"

"A lot." Feng Xue took the spirit beast meat and left, seeming to have a unique personality.

Lin Shiyuan glanced at Feng Xue's disciple curiously: "The disciple in charge has a very temper."

"Is there?" An Baobao asked suspiciously, and then said affirmatively: "Baby felt that I seemed to be too kind to him, and now it seems that he is not dead."

Jing Chen, Lan Tingyi, Ren Ya, Ren Xingzhu: ...We are quiet "little deaf and blind", we can't hear such heartless words from Master Luo.

Those people seem to be selling meat, but they still want to inquire about news.It's a pity that Fengxue is very smart, not only didn't let them get a little bit of talk, but it even aggravated their curiosity about Luo An'an.Moreover, Fengxue was very relaxed this time.Because Elder Tianhe couldn't bear to watch the disciple in charge sell meat, he asked other disciples in the sect to help.

And Feng Xue only needs to sit and collect points.

Over there, Mo Jiuxiao finally prepared the last dish and served it out of the pan.He and Wang Niantang put the dishes on the table respectively, and then nodded dotingly on the head of their own fox: "Dinner is ready, Luoluo."

"Why don't you leave?" Mo Jiuxiao looked at Jing Chen and the others with an indifferent face.

Jing Chen and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but they still sat there brazenly holding the small bowl and did not leave.They had waited so long for this meal, and it had been a long time since they had a decent meal.Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao didn't say much, perhaps it should be said that he was used to these shameless foodies.

There were not a few people who were willing to spend points to buy meat, but those Nascent Soul Elders watched them motionlessly, unwilling to lose their demeanor even if they were starving to death.It was the disciples of their sect who saw through the face-saving disguise of their elders, and deliberately bought more meat and cooked it for the elders.Take it as a favor, it's worth it!

As for the kitchen utensils they used, it really opened Baobao's eyes.She originally thought that these people would make pots or use stoves on the spot.But I didn't expect those people to be more awesome, let the water spirit root cooperate with the fire spirit root to cook meat in the air, no kitchen utensils are needed at all!

But those people were drooling over a meal after all.Although there is food in hand, compared to Mo Jiuxiao's craftsmanship...

This has to make them think carefully, is it true that monks who can cook are more attractive to female nuns?Especially a beautiful and powerful nun like Luo An'an?

(End of this chapter)

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