Chapter 892 You Beg Me~
After finally finishing a torturous meal, they watched Mo Jiuxiao clean up the table while Luo Anan stood up...

Finally, little ancestor, you are finally willing to take a look at that formation!

But it was too early for them to be complacent, Luo Anan didn't take a step out of the barrier at all, not only that, she also took out a big bed from the storage ring!
I wipe it, what is this for!ah!Do you sleep right after eating?Master Mo, take care of your Luoan!

Afterwards, they saw Luo An'an walk up to Luo An'an with a look of surprise, and cover her with a quilt!God, can anyone tell them monks need such things as quilts?They are not afraid of the cold!

Those Yuanying elders endured and endured, and finally they couldn't bear it anymore!

"Fellow Daoist Mo, let's talk." Elder Yu Meng of Yu Miaozong frowned, apparently he didn't dare to call Mo Jiuxiao "Nephew Mo" anymore.

The barrier was removed, and Mo Jiuxiao heard this sentence naturally.Someone frowned, looked down at the sleeping face of his little thing, and once again set up a sound-proof barrier.He didn't mean to talk to Elder Yumeng at all.

Being so underestimated, Elder Yumeng, who had been in a high position for a long time, was naturally murderous.However, he restrained himself very well, and turned to look at Elder Tianhe of Tianmen Sect.

"Elder Tianhe, they are young and ignorant. You can't be confused too?" Elder Yumeng was not so polite to Elder Tianhe: "This formation can be broken or not, we are anxious, shouldn't you Are you in a hurry? Don't forget that Luo An'an of your sect is the one with the most points. If no one reaches the end of the cave, the biggest loss is not us, but Luo An'an!"

Before Elder Tianhe could reply in the future, Luo Anan, who had already fallen asleep, lifted the curtain of the bed, and his clear and cold look did not look like someone who had just woken up.

"You don't need to scare the elders of our sect with these words. I really don't care about those things. The left and right are just some pills. I'm afraid they can't even compare to a beautiful calligraphy and painting in the eyes of my master! You think that What is it, the ultimate pill? Heh, my master can refine tens of thousands of pills like this in one day!"

"We Qinglin Peak people have no other characteristics, except that we are rich and powerful and good at spending money, which has been passed down from generation to generation."

Luo Anan's cold-eyed words made Elder Yumeng's anger and blood surge.As long as you are rich and self-willed, why are you showing off so nakedly!Is this very worthy of your pride! (Everyone: It's really something to be proud of!)

It's not over yet, Luo Anan crossed Erlang's legs, and said in an angry tone: "Don't you just want me to see that formation, the best way to open that stone gate. To be honest, my talent for formation It’s really good, I was once praised by my master. It’s not impossible to ask me to help you, but——, please beg me!”

Feng Xue: Damn, Mrs. An An, your words are too aggressive, too much hatred.

At this time, the thoughts of the monks of Tianmen sect were exactly the same as Fengxue's. These words really provoke hatred.However, it's so cool!

"Luo Anan, don't go too far!" Elder Yumeng gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "This is not good for you, it will only make you countless enemies."

An Baobao lay leisurely on the lap of the excrement shoveler, and said without a beating: "It's a pity, I'm not afraid of making enemies at all, if you have the ability, you can beat me up like the old Yanming Zhao before! As for the benefits, of course there are. I am in a good mood to hear you begging me, this is a good thing!"

Relying on the amulet given by Jinhao Immortal Venerable, a certain one said arrogantly: "Come on, come and beat me if you don't agree!"

Everyone: ...they dare not...

Although they really want to strangle this annoying Luo Anan in front of them!

(End of this chapter)

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