Chapter 898 This favor is really owed
Yueliu pondered and said: "It's still Hu Yu who is thoughtful. That monk knows how to cook, so he must be very interested in recipes."


"Hu Yu, this is too much trouble for you. It's all your hard work. It's too..."

"The recipes are nothing more than some words. Some of these dishes are learned by me, and some are created by myself. But maybe they will have these in the first place! Don't refuse, this is really not a precious thing."

Baby Linlang watching the play: Well, it's not very precious.This recipe is the foundation for you to settle down with the master, without it, it is impossible for you to join a group of foodies.

"Don't say thank you for your kindness, I will definitely repay you in the future." Bao Zhun foolishly took his things and went out.

"Oh, tsk tsk." Lin Lang looked at Hu Yu and smiled without saying a word.

"Aww." Leopard Zhun went out holding something in his two paws.It still held a cookbook in its mouth, and delivered it to Wang Niantang and Lin Shiyuan.

"That leopard still has family property?" Mo Jiuxiao was shocked that his greedy fox didn't pluck its hair.

"That's not his, it's Hu Yu." An Baobao yawned. Does this baby look like that kind of fox who is not stingy?

Seeing this, Wang Niantang couldn't help but accept it: "Thank you then, we don't blame you. You should follow An An well in the future."

Lin Shiyuan touched the bracelet curiously, the tentacles were warm and smooth to the touch, and even more beautiful to look at.But he was more curious about the book.

"Ah, the recipe!" Lin Shiyuan opened it excitedly and looked at it: "Brother, I have never tried many of the dishes here!"

"Really, then I will learn how to make it for you in the future." Wang Niantang pampered Lin Shiyuan's head, feeling very good.He finally smiled: "We are very happy, thank you."

Bao Zhun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but thank Hu Yu.This man is really very careful.It turned its head to look at Luo An'an, and expressed aggrievedly: "Master, are these okay?"

An Baobao couldn't help but raise her forehead, she must have raised a canine creature!
"Go back." After saying that, Bao Zhun's figure disappeared into the secret realm.

Seeing that the powerful monster finally left, the others breathed a sigh of relief and talked to Luo An'an.

"Master An'an, Fangli already knows her mistake, please let her out!" Fang Ying, as a Nascent Soul, begged Luo An'an with humiliation.

"I'm just a small foundation builder, so I can't afford Elder Fangying's request." After Luo An'an finished speaking indifferently, he got up to look at the formation on the stone gate. "Elder Fangli is a Nascent Soul cultivator, so he is still afraid of the killing array I set up. Elder Fangying is paranoid."

Elder Fangying felt chills in his heart, it seemed that Luo Anan was determined not to let Fangli go.Sin!

In the space, Hu Yu had already turned back to the kitchen to discuss cooking skills with Wu Xuan, who was holding the egg.Leopard Zhun solved a big problem and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After eating all the melon seeds, Linlang's little loli clapped her hands, turned around and looked at Lingyue beside her: "I want to make trouble."

"Go." Ling Yue half-lyed under the cherry blossom tree, with a small jar of fruit wine beside him.

Lin Lang's little loli sticks out her tongue playfully, ah, I'm so sorry, it will always be affected by Luo An'an's side after a long time.Then some bad habits will be learned.

"Bao Zhun, come here, I'll talk to you about something." Lin Lang's little loli waved at the silly leopard.

"What's the matter, Lin Lang?"

"That bracelet, I heard Hu Yu said before——"

"I heard that it was left to him by his mother, and he has been wearing it since he was a child."

The bomb directly made Bao Zhun dizzy, and Lin Lang's little loli didn't finish: "There is also that cookbook. The reason why the master was willing to keep Hu Yu at the beginning was because of his cooking skills. Leopard Zhun Ah Baozhun, I gave you the two most precious things. How are you going to repay this favor?"

After Linlang's little loli finished her work, she turned and left contentedly.

"Leopard Zhun, think about how you can repay him."

 Yes, how should I repay it?of course……

(End of this chapter)

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