Chapter 899 Genius of Formation
As soon as they heard that Luo An'an was going to crack the formation, everyone immediately shifted their attention, and no one paid any attention to the noisy killing formation.

Mo Jiuxiao also helped Luo An'an to look at the formation, and said while watching: "That is actually not a killing formation, it is a phantom formation."

A certain fox smiled wickedly: "It's a phantom formation, yes, but for some people who have done too many evil things, it's similar to a killing formation."

She didn't take Fangli's life directly, but if she really did too much evil, she would definitely die.

Mo Jiuxiao remained silent, her own Luo Luo was a little too kind, and when she wanted to kill someone, she still left her a way out.The premise is that the person has not done too much evil.My own silly fox, I always have kindness in my heart.I hope others will bring her the same kindness in the future.

An Baobao narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the formation in front of him.It looks very difficult, but if you look closely, it is very interesting.She sniffed the air, and sure enough, although the smell was very weak, it still didn't escape her nose.

Luo Anan smiled slightly. If these monks knew the real way to break the formation, they would probably regret begging themselves to do it.

"Is there any wine?" Luo Anan said to everyone.Deciphering the formation requires spiritual wine, and she is reluctant to waste her good wine here.And her wine was too eye-catching.

"Yes!" An ordinary Tianmen sect disciple responded, and immediately took out a jar of spiritual wine from his storage ring, um, it's not a good wine.But cracking the formation is enough.

Elder Mingyu of Xungu looked at Luo Anan's actions curiously: "Little Daoist Luo, what's the use of this wine? Can it break the formation? But this formation has never been heard of before, and the old man can't see how to break it!"

Luo Anan smiled, "You can break through this formation, but there is a little mystery hidden in it."

After speaking, Luo An'an poured a jar of spiritual wine on the stone gate.After a while, many blue stripes appeared on the stone gate, which merged with the previous formation.

Elder Mingyu suddenly understood something like enlightenment: "The one just now was a broken formation!"

"It's not a broken formation." Luo Anan shook his head: "It's just that a part of the formation is smeared with a special spiritual plant, and then it becomes transparent. And as long as the juice of that spiritual plant touches the wine, it will be destroyed." The color will appear. Therefore, the formation we saw before was incomplete, but in fact it has always been complete."

Elder Mingyu bowed his head in shame: "I have watched countless formations for thousands of years, but I didn't expect to be defeated here today. It's because I was too short-sighted, thinking that as long as I can break through any type of formation, it will be fine. I didn't think about anything else. Ashamed, ashamed!"

Mo Jiuxiao got up and pulled up his own silly fox, and then looked at the crowd expressionlessly: "Now this is an ordinary dilemma, you can solve it yourself."

The indifferent facial paralysis returned.

"C'mon, I just poured a pot of wine, and I'm ashamed to say that I will break the formation? It seems that a blind cat has encountered a dead mouse, and he dares to boast that he will definitely be able to break the formation!" An angry male voice came from the corner. out.

The man was hidden behind everyone, Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao couldn't see his face.After the others heard it, they couldn't help but agree with this sentence.Is this considered a breach?
"Shut up, what do you know!" Unexpectedly, Elder Mingyu was the first to speak, his face flushed and angrily looked at those monks who didn't know what to do or not: "Don't always regard other people's true abilities as good luck. Is it luck? If so, why are we trapped here for more than ten days?"

"Luo An'an is worthy of being Jinhao Immortal Venerable's apprentice. She can do well in all aspects of formations. She is a true formation genius!"

(End of this chapter)

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