Chapter 530 The Crazy Sponge (26 Chapters)
After discussing the matter of acting, Jiang Zhimian clapped his hands, "Okay, this matter can't be rushed, otherwise it will be easy for Princess Ning to see the clues, so let's keep it like this for now."

"Okay." Fu Xiner believed in Jiang Zhimian's plan.

Seeing that she was still sitting still, Jiang Zhimian said again, "How about I send you back?"

"I'm not going back now. Miss Orange hasn't finished talking about A Chinese Ghost Story yesterday." Fu Xiner was a little embarrassed, "I want to hear the rest."

"Okay, why don't you all stay and listen? My version is better than Mr. Storyteller's." Ju Shenyuan cordially invited.

Jiang Zhimian waved his hand, "I don't like this story very much, I prefer Westward Journey."

"What is that? Is it also a story about a man and a female ghost?" Fu Xiner was curious.

"No, it's the story of Monkey King and Fairy Zixia." Jiang Zhimian replied.

Fu Xiner immediately begged, "Then can you tell me, after Miss Orange finishes talking about A Chinese Ghost Story."

Fu Xiner, who had just left the capital, was like a dry, flat sponge.

Whenever you encounter a little water, you will desperately absorb it.

When those apricot eyes looked at Jiang Zhimian, there was a bit of a spoiled look deep in the bottom of the eyes.

It looks like a pet cat asking for a snack.

Instantly melted a heart.

"I can't do anything about you, then I'll sit down for a while, and I'll tell you when Ju Shenyuan finishes speaking." Jiang Zhimian said.

"Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner at noon, go to your second brother's restaurant, and order French fries, the kind to be chilled." Fu Xiner smiled shyly.

Jiang Zhimian didn't leave, so Chi Mohan naturally accompanied him.

And Bai Yule was also curious about the story of Journey to the West, so he stayed by the side and refused to leave.

After listening to the big talk about Journey to the West, it was already noon.

Jiang Zhimian read the last sentence, he looked like a dog, and stood up rubbing his belly, "It's almost there, let's go to Guangjuxuan for dinner."

In the end, it turned out that Ju Shenyuan and Fu Xiner were both wiping tears.

"Wow, why are you all crying?" Jiang Zhimian was shocked.

The Orange Shenyuan handkerchief was wet, "Zhimian, I thought I was good at telling stories, but I didn't expect you to be even better. Sun Wukong must be sad that he can't be with Fairy Zixia, right?"

"Since ancient times, love and friendship have been difficult to balance. He also gave up his family for everyone. Only one person knows the pain." Fu Xiner also commented.

Although Jiang Zhimian cried a lot when watching this movie, it can be seen from the reactions of these two people that he was even exaggerating.

If you keep crying like this, you probably won't have to eat lunch.

It seems that a short and happy story should be told to them.

"Have you ever heard the story of Cinderella?"

"Why is this girl named Hui? It's as strange as Ju Shenyuan. One is gray and the other is orange. Are they distant relatives?" Bai Yule asked.

Jiang Zhimian said blackly, "Of course not, she is called Cinderella because she is always dusty."

"That should be called a sloppy girl."

"Xiaobai, have you seen my fist as big as a sandbag?" Jiang Zhimian asked in a low voice.

Bai Yule stopped immediately, shut up and listened to what Jiang Zhimian continued.

The story of Cinderella is much better than Journey to the West.

Although it was a bit miserable in the past, both the adoptive mother and the concubine were punished in the end, and Cinderella also married the emperor and became the queen.

The beautiful fairy tale made the two girls feel much better.

Jiang Zhimian clapped his hands in satisfaction, "Okay, let's go to dinner now, I can tell you the story of Princess Baixue tomorrow."

"Wait!" Bai Yule called to stop again.

He was very puzzled and asked Jiang Zhimian, "Sister-in-law, why is it that time has passed, the carriage made of pumpkins and the beautiful skirt have returned to their original state, but the lost embroidered shoe is still the beautiful one?"

"Also, fifth sister-in-law, it's not easy to be a queen. Cinderella was often abused when she was a child. She must have scars on her body. According to the rules of the palace, when she enters the palace, she will be checked. If there are scars, even the maids will not be allowed made."

Jiang Zhimian: ...

Her 40-meter sword is almost out of control!

Who will take away Bai Yule, the troublemaker!

Fortunately, Ju Shenyuan also felt that Bai Yule was very disappointed, "How can everything in the world be reasonable, just like a Chinese ghost story, how do people and ghosts love each other? It's a fantasy, you know?"

It's just fantasizing about beautiful love, why poke open the bloody reality.

"In short, in Zhimian's story, Cinderella can be a queen, called Cinderella!"

Frightened by her aggressiveness, Bai Yule took a step back, but luckily was supported by Qilin.

Sure enough, you can't offend a woman who sheds tears, it's really scary!

Also because of Bai Yule's words, the lunch meal was changed from Fu Xiner's treat to Bai Yule's.

There was a lot of good wine and food, but no French fries.

Because it's not on the menu at all.

It's a pity for Fu Xiner, "The french fries are delicious, but I don't know why, after eating that, I can't eat at night, and I feel my stomach is still a little full in the morning."

"French fries are full of starch, so they feel very full." Jiang Zhimian explained.

"So that's how it is. Then if you're marching and fighting, wouldn't it be better to bring some French fries instead of dry food?" Fu Xiner had a sudden thought.

"French fries can't be kept for that long, and dry food is reliable." Jiang Zhimian vetoed this idea.

Although her opinion was refuted, Fu Xiner didn't look unhappy at all.

Instead, he looked taught.

In this place, she really learned a lot of things that she couldn't learn in the capital.

Suddenly, I started to thank myself for lying and following my decision.

If it weren't for this lie, I wouldn't have met these people in front of me.

"I like to eat this longan rice, it's very sweet." Fu Xiner said.

"Then you eat more, and then we will send you back." Jiang Zhimian said.

Hearing this, Fu Xiner quickly raised her head, "Can't I follow you this afternoon?"

"We still have things to do, you can follow Ju Shenyuan back to the Sifang Inn, and then listen to stories or play backgammon." Jiang Zhimian said.

"Where are you going?" Fu Xiner asked her.

Jiang Zhimian thought for a while, "I'm going to the planting base to see scalded grass."

"I'll go and see it with you!" Fu Xiner wanted to follow her.

In her eyes, Jiang Zhimian is a girl who hides infinite treasures, and there are many things that others have never seen before.

Before returning to the capital, she needs to spend more time with Jiang Zhimian and learn more.

"It's just a piece of land. It rained again the day before yesterday. It's very muddy and will stain your shoes." Jiang Zhimian declined.

It would be bad for Concubine Ning if she went back dirty all over.

"It's okay, I can take off my shoes and put them on again when I leave, so that they won't get dirty." Fu Xiner was very informal.

(End of this chapter)

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