Chapter 531 Informality (27 Chapters)
After half an hour.

Looking at Fu Xiner who was busy in the field, Jiang Zhimian fell into deep thought.

Is this really Fu Taibao's granddaughter?
It is clear that when he works, he is more agile than himself!
"Mianmian!" Lin Miaomiao also came over with a basket on her shoulders, and greeted Jiang Zhimian gently.

Only then did Jiang Zhimian look back, "Second sister-in-law, why did you come to the planting base?"

"Your second brother is busy at Guangjuxuan. I said he was going to help, but he refused. He insisted that Guangjuxuan had too many things to do and would tire me out. Then I had nothing to do, so I came to help weed the grass. .”

Jiang Zhimian shrugged and smiled, "You are late, someone has already done the weeding."

"Did you ask someone for help?" Lin Miaomiao looked over curiously.

The more I look at it, the more familiar that figure becomes.

"Mianmian, who are you inviting? Why are you dressed so nicely? What a waste of clothes." Lin Miaomiao asked.

"It's Fu Xiner."

Hearing this answer, Lin Miaomiao was startled.

Although she didn't know Fu Xiner's real identity, when she ate at Guangjuxuan that day, she saw that Fu Xiner was dressed in extraordinary clothes, and her gestures were even more elegant, so she knew that she must be a rich daughter.

And it's the kind that is richer than the eldest brother Jiang Lin's sweetheart Zuo Weirou.

As a result, now, they are weeding in the endless fields...

"Mianmian, how can you let a guest do this? You should take her to another place to play. Let me do this kind of work." Lin Miaomiao said.

Immediately afterwards, he was very worried, "Isn't this the girl brought by your future mother-in-law? If she goes back and sues you, what will your future mother-in-law do if she gets angry with you?"

What if Mianmian is bullied in the future?

As a member of the Jiang family, you must always keep protecting Mianmian in mind!
Jiang Zhimian waved his hand, "I don't have the skills to ask Miss Fu to help me weed. She insisted on coming and said she wanted to experience it."

"Huh?" Lin Miaomiao's expression was a little embarrassed, "Miss Fu is quite special!"

"Yes." Jiang Zhimian nodded.

After thinking for a while, Lin Miaomiao said again, "Why don't I go and help her? How long will she be busy alone? Although I asked for it, if I go back, I will be so tired that my whole body hurts. Your future mother-in-law I will also notice that it would be bad to follow the clues and think that it was you who did it on purpose."

After finishing speaking, Lin Miaomiao stepped into the field.

After saying hello to Fu Xiner, the two leaned together to weed.

But in Fu Xiner's heart, alarm bells were already ringing.

She hasn't had enough weeding yet. If Lin Miaomiao wants to help her, isn't it just her own business?

Involuntarily, he silently sped up the movements of his hands, trying to get rid of a few more grasses.

Lin Miaomiao also became nervous, so she hurriedly weeded so that Fu Xiner wouldn't be exhausted.

These two people are chasing after each other. From Jiang Zhimian's side, it seems that a double-speed movie is suddenly switched to double speed.

The aloe vera in her hand has not been processed yet, and the two of them have already finished weeding!

"Miss Fu, your physical strength is really good." Lin Miaomiao bowed willingly.

Fu Xiner pursed her lips and smiled, "Maybe it's because you haven't had a rest recently, the silt under your eyes is a bit deep, that's why you're a little powerless."

Lin Miaomiao:! ! !

Why is this rich lady still talking about nasty jokes?

She doesn't have the airs of a young lady at all!
The goodwill towards Fu Xiner in my heart increased many times in an instant.

She was not as cautious as before, and reminded Fu Xiner seriously, "You can tell me these things, but don't go out and tell others. You are not married yet, and you will be criticized easily."

Fu Xiner couldn't figure it out.

Just say that Lin Miaomiao didn't have a good rest, and it has nothing to do with being married or not. Why should he be criticized?
Just as she was thinking, Lin Miaomiao had already packed her things and was about to leave.

"I don't think there's anything I can do to help here. I'll go to the lotus pond outside the town to dig some tender lotus roots. Your second brother said to make lotus root boxes."

Fu Xiner followed immediately, "Can I dig too?"

"Huh? The lotus roots are very dirty, they are all in the mud, and if you have to put them in the water, your skirt will get wet." Lin Miaomiao turned to Jiang Zhimian for help.

Weeding is okay, let’s forget about digging lotus root in the water.

Third sister, help!
Jiang Zhimian stepped forward, "You also don't know how to dig lotus roots. This requires skill, otherwise it's easy to break the lotus roots. In addition, there may be leeches in the water, which is very scary."

"I know about leeches. The nurse at home, I mean, the nurse once told me that if you encounter a leech, sprinkle some salt on it, and it won't bite people anymore." Fu Xiner recalled road.

"Yes, yes, your nanny is right." Lin Miaomiao agreed.

"I heard that both lotus root and lotus flower grow in the same piece of mud. The lotus flower emerges from the mud without being stained. It is a noble and pure thing. Although the lotus root has been growing in the mud, it is white when served on the table. It can be seen that it is not affected. I want to see how such a noble thing was dug out."

When Fu Xiner talks about the truth, she really has one set of things.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't understand much, but she was dragged into it in a daze.

After he reacted again, he already nodded in agreement.

Now it's useless to ask the third sister for help.

Jiang Zhimian had no choice but to say, "Then let's go together, but Miss Fu doesn't want to go down. I don't need much, and my second sister-in-law can handle it alone."

"Also." Fu Xiner agreed.

After discussing well, the three of them went to the lotus pond outside the town in a carriage.

Originally, Jiang Zhimian wanted Fu Xiner to watch it from the carriage, but she insisted on watching it up close.

Helpless, Jiang Zhimian could only pick off the lotus leaf and place it on Fu Xiner's head.

"The summer sun is so poisonous, if you get tanned, you won't be pretty."

"Thank you." Fu Xiner was very grateful.

The two of them sat on the edge of the lotus pond, watching Lin Miaomiao busy in the lotus pond, digging out the tender lotus root covered in mud, and washing it in the water, it became as white as snow.

Such a rewarding scene is so beautiful.

"Miss Jiang," Fu Xiner said slowly.

"Don't be so polite, we are now grasshoppers on the same rope, you can call me Zhimian or Mianmian." Jiang Zhimian said.

Fu Xiner immediately changed her words, "Zhimian, you and General Chi should not be called that way now, how did you and Mr. Chi know each other?"

"You want to hear the love story again?" Jiang Zhimian asked her back.

"Not really, I just want to know how to get such a beautiful love." Fu Xiner waved her hand.

How did you get it?
Jiang Zhimian really thought carefully about where this relationship started.

"It probably started when I fell into the pond..."

(End of this chapter)

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