Chapter 102
"That's enough! Shut up!" Qinghu is helpless now, he being despised by a girl who is seven or eight years younger than him? !Or compared with someone who is also seven or eight years younger than me? !
This is simply his green tiger, the biggest shame in his life!The figure he was so proud of was, unexpectedly, looked down upon!
"Crack, squeak!" Qinghu crumpled the sharp whip in his hand abruptly!
Luo Ziqing was taken aback, I'll go!With this strength, if he really whipped the whip on himself, would she still have to live?You have to take off a layer of skin if you don't get killed!
Still, it's better to talk less, hehe.

Soon, Fang Haobai caught up with the car Luo Ziqing was in. Of course, Bai Miao also spotted the car at the first time. He secretly said: "Not good!" In the end, the car flew out, this!This is the Panshan Highway!Did he die? ! !
Fang Haobai raised the corners of his mouth and smiled charmingly: "Carpooling skills with me? Are you dying? You better make sure your driving skills are good enough! If anything happens to Zi Qing, Mu Yuwei, I guarantee you will have nothing to eat !"

Fang Haobai thought it was Mu Yuwei who was driving.

Because of the sudden acceleration, Luo Ziqing was brought by the inertia, she leaned back all of a sudden, and hit her head fiercely, she grinned in pain, tears were about to fall, because her hands were tied, there was no way to rub her one time.

Seeing her pitiful look, Qinghu sighed helplessly, put his left hand on Luo Ziqing's head, and rubbed it for her: "Does it hurt here? Now? Will it still hurt after I rub it?"

The place where Luo Ziqing was rubbed by Qinghu really healed a lot, so she nodded, "Yeah, it's done, thank you." Luo Ziqing smiled at Qinghu.

"I... I'm just afraid that the master will punish me if he finds out, you, you don't need to thank me!" Although his tone was a bit cold, his ears were suspiciously blush.

Hmm... This little girl is actually very cute after a closer look~ and she is also very beautiful, with a good figure, although her personality is a bit clever and weird, but she is very strong...
Wait, stop!stop!This is the master's man, no matter how much he likes it, it's not up to him to snatch it!No, no, he can't be tempted. As a killer, the biggest mistake is to be tempted!
This is what the master has always taught them! ... But, isn't even the master tempted now?
After Luo Ziqing's car accelerated, Fang Haobai also followed at the fastest speed. The distance between the two cars could not be any closer.

Fang Haobai opened the window and shouted: "Mu Yuwei! You let Zi Qing go! Don't you like her? You are acting so crazy now, how can you make Zi Qing like you?! Stop! Let Zi Qing go!" !"

Bai Miao has already called Mu Yuwei: "Master, Fang Haobai has caught up! What should I do?"

"Where are you now?"

"On the winding mountain road next to the abandoned warehouse!"

"Such a dangerous place? Your speed?"

"Master, our speed is already the fastest!"

"Your target is Fang Haobai! Don't hurt Zi Qing! Now, slowly slow down, stop negotiating with Fang Haobai, and kill him! Again, don't hurt Zi Qing! "

"Okay, I understand, master!"

 No.!five!Even!How about some rewards and encouragement?

  Also, say it again!Qiqi's qq: 2757926447, you can add it!

(End of this chapter)

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