childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 103 My life belongs to the master

Chapter 103 My life belongs to the master

Bai Miao slowed down the speed of the car according to Mu Yuwei's instructions, so as not to hit Fang Haobai's car behind due to sudden braking.

Fang Haobai sneered: "Oh, are you afraid? You're also smart!"

The car finally stopped, Bai Miao gave Qinghu a wink, and Qinghu escorted Luo Ziqing out of the car, saying it was a escort, but in fact it looked more like a support.

Luo Ziqing was also surprised, this Qinghu was still fierce to her at the beginning, but after she told her about her father, he seemed to be a different person to her.Was he... stimulated?

Fang Haobai saw that Qinghu and Bai Miao got out of the car, and they were still holding Luo Ziqing. He frowned and became unhappy: "Where is your master? Tell him to get out of the car! Also! Don't touch Ziqing, otherwise, I won't I can guarantee that it will be your hand that breaks in the next second!"

Fang Haobai's words were heard in Qinghu's ears, but they were useless at all, and there was no movement from his subordinates. Without saying a word, Fang Haobai pulled out a Swiss Army knife that he had always carried with him from his pocket, and saw him flick his right hand, The Swiss Army Knife flew straight to Qinghu.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't worry about Luo Ziqing's safety, but that he has confidence in his own skills and will never hurt Luo Ziqing in the slightest.

Qinghu sneered: "I'm just a brat, dare to fight with me? You can't mess with me, Qinghu." After speaking, he reached out and took the Swiss army knife that Fang Haobai flew over.

Fang Haobai was taken aback. Although his skills were not top-notch, he was still a leader. His attacks, especially his angry attacks, were so easily dodged by one person?
It seems that this person is not simple...

Qinghu turned the saber in the other direction, facing Fang Haobai, something changed in his eyes, became fiery, manic, and bloodthirsty, he was about to fly back with the saber, but was stopped by Luo Ziqing: "Don't hurt him!" Luo Ziqing knew that the current Qinghu had been completely irritated by Fang Haobai's provocative behavior just now, and his combat power was constantly increasing. The current Fang Haobai, considering her safety, must not He will easily fight Qinghu.

Once they fought, Fang Haobai would be in a passive state and unable to use his full strength. His throwing knife just now was probably not a provocation, but a test of Qinghu's strength.

Therefore, Luo Ziqing must delay the time as much as possible, and wait for the rescuer Fang Haobai is looking for to arrive. No matter how strong he is, but he can easily stop Qinghu from doing things. Bai Miao's strength is probably higher than Qinghu's...

Qinghu smiled wryly: "Girl, you must know that those of us who venture into the rivers and lakes and the society will inevitably encounter force majeure events. The master only said that he cannot hurt you, but the treatment of this young man is... even if it is you Plead with me, I can't disobey the master's order."

"Why do you listen to Mu Yuwei so much? What good did he do to you, so that you are all devoted to him?" Luo Ziqing really couldn't understand what kind of magical power Mu Yuwei had that could make so many talents Extraordinary people followed him, served him and even gave their lives.

"You don't understand, our life is given by the master. Without the master, there would be no white tiger today!"

 I want to explain, Qiqi went out yesterday and came back very late, plus today I have to receive the notice and go to the opening ceremony of the city games, so the update will be so late.

  In addition, Qiqi's daily update of 5000 is obviously not very effective. Qiqi doesn't want to perfuse everyone with bad articles, so from today, only 2000 words will be updated. Sorry, I broke my promise again.

(End of this chapter)

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