Chapter 110
"He helped a lot this time, let's thank him sometime later, and promote him by the way, he is still very talented." Fang Haobai blew a spoonful of porridge in his hand, Squinting and enjoying.

Fang Haoli glanced at him, and sighed helplessly: "You, you have liked to drink lean meat porridge since you were a child, and you are still not tired of eating it at this age?" While talking, Fang Haoli took another bowl of porridge Take it a little farther away, it's for Zi Qing, it can't be drunk by this kid.

The two brothers chatted a few more words, and Luo Ziqing woke up.

"Eh? Haobai, when did you wake up?" Luo Ziqing quickly ran out of bed and stared at Fang Haobai with concern: "Are you still feeling sick? Do you want to call the doctor to come over?"

Fang Haobai rubbed Luo Ziqing's head: "Isn't it just a little bit of poison? There is nothing to worry about, I'm fine now! Nothing happened."

Luo Ziqing curled her lips: "Hmph! You don't know how to wake me up when you wake up, you're going to worry about me to death!"

Fang Haobai raised the corner of his mouth: "Aren't I well? Are you hungry? Do you want some porridge?"

When Luo Ziqing heard that there was porridge to drink, she jumped up happily: "Where is there? Where is the porridge?"

Fang Haoli put another bowl of porridge in front of her, opened the bowl carefully, and put the spoon beside it: "I knew you would wake up hungry, so I made a bowl for you, your favorite, seafood and shrimp Porridge."

Luo Ziqing rushed over immediately, picked up the spoon and drank, but just touched it, then put down the spoon again: "It's so hot!"

Fang Haobai couldn't help laughing, but he still got out of bed and picked up Luo Ziqing's hand to check, "Are you anxious? How is it? Is there any burn? Do you want the doctor to bring some ointment for the burn?"

Luo Ziqing pursed her mouth and acted coquettishly: "No need ~ you can blow it and it won't hurt anymore!" Seeing Luo Ziqing's expectant eyes, Fang Haobai put her hand to his mouth with a smile and blew lightly: "How is it?" ? It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

Luo Ziqing nodded obediently, with a smile on her face.

Fang Haoli looked at the two of them, feeling pain in his heart, Ziqing, this girl he has loved for so many years, in the end, he will give to his younger brother who has loved him for so many years, although Fang Haobai's ability is stronger than him I don't know how much, but, but he doesn't want to hand over his lifelong happiness to other girls he doesn't know.

So, is he doomed to be alone all his life?
Luo Ziqing noticed that Fang Haoli didn't seem to be eating, so she asked him strangely: "Eh? Haoli, why don't you eat? You were tired for a long time last night too!"

Fang Haoli smiled softly and waved his hands: "Of course I ate~ Don't worry about me, you two can eat first, I also brought you some snacks, I asked both of you off today, Zi Qing won't go to school in the morning, take a good rest, I'll pick you up at noon, Hao Bai will stay at the hospital for a few days, and I'll bring Zi Qing over after school in the afternoon."

"Okay, don't drink porridge for lunch, bring something delicious." Fang Haobai bluntly put forward his request, "The food in the hospital is too bad. I'm a patient, so I don't want to eat that kind of thing every day."

Fang Haoli nodded helplessly: "Okay, okay, then I'm going to school, ah!"

"Be careful on the road~" Luo Ziqing waved her hand and said goodbye to him with a smile.

 I feel that a large number of fans are blackening. . .

(End of this chapter)

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