Chapter 111 Unscrupulous
"What husband, what husband!!!" Luo Ziqing's face instantly flushed red: "I, I, I, I don't have a husband!"

Fang Haobai leaned forward shamelessly, and pressed his forehead intimately on the top of Luo Ziqing's head: "I am your husband~ silly girl! When you grow up, you will definitely marry me, and you must marry me!"


"Because my silly girl will never look down on others after she has me~Little wife Ziqing~" Fang Haobai stared at Luo Ziqing tenderly, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be hidden.

Luo Ziqing simply buried her face in Fang Haobai's arms so that he would not see her flushed face: "No way!"

"Really not?"

"will not!"

"Then why are you blushing?"

"No blush!"

"Then you're still resting your head on my chest?"

"...Hmph!" Upon hearing this, Luo Ziqing raised her head abruptly, and turned her back not to look at Fang Haobai.

Fang Haobai hugged her waist from behind with a smile: "Silly girl!"

"I'm not stupid!"

"You are my stupidest girl!"

"Do you have other girls?"


The two of them tossed and tossed for a long time before Luo Ziqing listened to Fang Haobai's words and went to sleep obediently, while Fang Haobai took the porridge that Luo Ziqing ate just now and drank it down by himself. Tell Luo Ziqing to finish his porridge?

This is the porridge Zi Qing drank~ hum~

However, the question of how many girls Fang Haobai had was left alone.

At noon, Fang Haoli really came over, bringing Situ Yu, Gu Yiqi and Li Mengyao with him.

As soon as the two girls saw Luo Ziqing, they rushed towards him.

"Azusa, are you alright?"

"Smelly girl! Worrying about us!"

"That's right, I don't know how to call us!"

"You worry-free girl!"

Fang Haobai cast his eyes on Fang Haoli, with doubts in his eyes.

Fang Haoli shrugged, expressing helplessness.

After the two girls found out about this, they strongly requested to come. He repeatedly told them that Zi Qing would go to class in the afternoon, but the two girls still insisted on coming.

Gu Yiqi is here, so Situ Yu must come to protect the flowers!So, Situ Yu also followed.

So, everyone came.

Fang Haobai looked at the two girls brazenly hugging Luo Ziqing with distaste, frowning slightly.

He can't be unscrupulous!

After the three girls finished fighting, Fang Haoli's big meal was brought over.

A group of people ate around the big table made of eternal small tables. Gu Yiqi kept picking food for Luo Ziqing, Situ Yu kept picking food for Gu Yiqi, and Fang Haobai could only help Luo Ziqing, eating all of it!
"Haobai! That's the dish I put on for Zi Qing! You're not allowed to eat it!"

"If she eats all the food you gave Zi Qing, she will die of hunger!"

"This is a dish specially prepared for Zi Qing! It's shocking! What do you eat?!"

"Okay, okay! Yiqi, I really can't eat that much anymore, I appreciate your kindness!" Luo Ziqing hurriedly patted Gu Yiqi's shoulder to calm her down.

Gu Yiqi curled her lips: "For Zi Qing's sake, I won't quarrel with you!"

Gu Yiqi leaned the bowl on her hand towards her, and concentrated on finishing the food that Situ had picked up for her.

Situ Yu patted her head: "You girl, you have a hot temper!"

"No way!"

"There is!"


"Then what are you doing now?"


(End of this chapter)

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