Chapter 118 The Power of Love

"Of course it's better than you! Look at him, he's handsome, good at computer skills, a member of the student union, a city three-good student, an excellent league cadre, and all these crap things are being softened by him!" Luo Ziqing looked admiringly. .

Fang Haobai's face darkened, and his hands tightened suddenly, Luo Ziqing yelled "Aww!"

Fang Haobai saw that Luo Ziqing was really in pain, so he let go of his hand, with a look of naturalness on his face: "This is your punishment for committing a nymphomaniac to other men, if you show such an expression to other boys next time, I'll lock you up so that you can't go out again, and then you can only see me every day. Unfortunately, I begged the doctor to let me accompany you to class in the afternoon, and you treat me like this? Huh?"

"What expression do I have? Huh?" Luo Ziqing knew that Fang Haobai was jealous, so she made a funny face on purpose, "Then what expression do I have now? Huh?"

Seeing Luo Ziqing's funny look, Fang Haobai suddenly leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek: "A kiss-owed expression!"

Luo Ziqing blushed instantly, and raised her right hand reflexively to cover it: "You, you, you, you, you villain! I will never play with you again!" After speaking, Luo Ziqing turned her head, no longer Look at Fang Haobai.

Fang Haobai smirked, put his arms around her waist, and forced her to his side.

Luo Ziqing turned her head and patted his hand away: "Don't touch me! Hmph!"

"I'm going to touch it!" He put his hand back on his waist again.

Slap away.

Hug back.

Slap away.

Hug back.

"Fang Haobai, enough is enough!" Luo Ziqing finally couldn't help puffing up her cheeks and shouted.

"Not enough~" Fang Haobai hugged him back again, "You don't play with me anymore, why are you still talking to me? Huh?"

"..." Luo Ziqing turned away helplessly.

Here Fang Haoli and Li Mengyao chatted again: "Do you know Wen Ruo?"

"I don't know you." Li Mengyao said indifferently, but she kept roaring in her heart: ****!I like you!
"That's it...he is the senior who helped us locate Ziqing's location when she was kidnapped."

"Oh." It's Zi Qing again, is Zi Qing the only one in this pig's mind?
"Hacking skills are amazing!"

"That's it." Although she is also concerned about Zi Qing, can she stop for a while?
"It's still the backbone of the student union."

"I know." Please stop talking!

"So you let me go first because you knew he'd be there?"


" care about this so much?" Wahahahahaha!He cares about this matter hahahaha!

"...I care." Fang Haoli didn't know what was wrong, so he said this without hesitation, and he seemed a little upset when he heard the news?
"Fang Haoli!" Li Mengyao suddenly decided on something important.

"Huh?" Fang Haoli was still confused at this moment, not knowing what was wrong.

"Can you go to the rooftop with me in the afternoon, I have something to say to you."

"Okay, if you don't agree to a lady's invitation, it's not a gentleman's act!"

"Then you must come! It's decided! Pull the hook!" Li Mengyao stretched out her little finger with a happy smile.

"En!" Fang Haoli smiled and stretched out his little finger to hook hers.

After school, Fang Haoli told Luo Ziqing to let her escort Fang Haobai back to the hospital, and then went to the rooftop.

Li Mengyao is already waiting there. Although she is lame, the power of love is great!

 Ah ha ha ha ha ha!I, Ben Qi, came to update!Don't you want to give a reward?
(End of this chapter)

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