Chapter 119 of course
"Are you here?" Li Mengyao looked at Fang Haoli with a smile, and beckoned him to come to her side.

The roof of the Luoying teaching building is an open-air botanical garden with a simulated ecology, so there is an artificial pond inside, and there are various fish in the pond. There are benches everywhere in the botanical garden.

For the students of Luoying, this rooftop is almost the most beautiful place besides the old castle of the student union.

Li Mengyao had already found a bench to sit down on.

Fang Haoli walked over and sat next to Li Mengyao: "Why did you ask me to come up~?"

"Ahahaha, look, from this direction, you can just see the setting sun!" Li Mengyao laughed a few times, pointing to the setting sun on the opposite side.

"Did you come to me just to see the scenery?"

"I heard that if you make a wish when the sun sets, the sun will hear it!"

"...Is that so, so you want to make a wish?" Fang Haoli saw that Li Mengyao didn't want to get to the point, so he followed her. This is a gentleman's demeanor - always facing a lady.

"Yes! Do you want to make a wish with me?" Li Mengyao blinked her big beautiful eyes and looked at Fang Haoli longingly.

"Okay." Fang Haoli looked at Li Mengyao's appearance like a ghost, so he agreed.

Li Mengyao put her palms together with a smile and muttered in the direction of the sun: "I want to be with the person I like forever!"

Fang Haobai looked at Li Mengyao with a funny face: "Who do you like? We are going to be together, haha!"

"I like you."


"Then would you like to be with me?"


"Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?"


"If you don't speak, I will take it as your tacit agreement!"

Fang Haoli stared at Li Mengyao fixedly, did she confess her love to him just now?
But..."I'm sorry, Mengyao, I just see you as my younger sister. This kind of thing between a man and a woman may...not suit me."

The smile on Li Mengyao's face disappeared immediately: " really is like's okay, don't worry about it, I'll just give it a try. I still hold out too much hope! It seems that it's still me I'm being sentimental. I...I still have something to do, so I'm going home first. You should go back earlier. "

After Li Mengyao finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards the exit of the rooftop. Although one foot was still hurt, she still limped and walked over by herself without even turning her head.

When Fang Haoli realized that he should help her, Li Mengyao had already reached the stairs.

Fang Haoli ran to Li Mengyao's side and grabbed her hand: "Mengyao, I'll help you down."

"No, you go first."

"I will help..."

"It's really unnecessary!" Li Mengyao was already crying when she said this.

Fang Haoli's heart suddenly ached violently. Although reason told him that he should send Li Mengyao home at this time, he seemed unable to control his body. After gently letting go of Li Mengyao's hand, he said lightly :

then left.

After his figure disappeared for a long time, Li Mengyao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and squatted on the steps of the stairs, shrinking herself into a ball, hugging her knees and crying.

Originally, she and Fang Haoli hadn't known each other for a long time, so it was natural to reject her.

She has no reason to cry at all.

What people like is their best friend!not her!

 This chapter may be a bit cruel...

  But it will be sweet later!

(End of this chapter)

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