Chapter 124 You Forgot

"'s nothing, just... I said something, it's getting late, go to sleep." Fang Haoli deliberately changed the subject.

Luo Ziqing saw that Fang Haoli didn't seem to want to tell her, so she didn't ask any more questions, and ran upstairs to get ready to sleep.

But she suddenly remembered that Fang Haobai asked her to call him at night when she was leaving today, so she picked up her mobile phone and called Fang Haobai again.

"Haobai, I'm going to bed, why did you ask me to call you?"

"It's okay, I just want to hear your voice, without your voice or without seeing you, I won't be able to sleep."

"Hey~ It's so nasty!"

"I really can't sleep."


"Okay, okay, let's talk about business, the person who kidnapped you that day, the one called Qinghu, why does he seem to be on our side?"


"When I got into a fight with that Bai Miao, that Qinghu didn't stop him at all, but he didn't have any help either. He acted like it had nothing to do with him."

"Oh! He's not a bad guy!"

"...Aren't you a bad guy who hijacked you?"

"In the car, he was the one who helped me, so he's not a bad guy."

"Why did he help you?"

"But because you guys were racing on the road, and I was tied up and it was not easy to support me. He helped me untie the rope on my hand, and when I almost hit the side, he blocked me, so I didn't hit to the wall next to the car."

"Is he so kind?"


"...You girl, why are you so innocent!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Here Fang Haobai couldn't help laughing, the little girl is too cute: "... Forget it, you should go to bed early, didn't you promise that you will come to see me early tomorrow morning?"

"Oh oh oh! Right! Then I'll go to Sujue Bird now~"

"Well, good night baby."

"Hee hee, good night!"

"Wait, you forgot something."


"My goodnight kiss."


Beep beep beep beep beep, there was a mechanical beep on the phone, Fang Haobai smiled, the little girl knew how to be shy~ she was so cute~

Fang Haobai put the phone in his pants pocket, then turned around and entered the ward.

Shui Ruoqing was too tired and fell asleep, but Fang Moshu stared at Fang Haobai: "Why did you go to the bathroom for so long?"

Fang Haobai was startled, did his father find out about his affair with Zi Qing?
As a result, Fang Moshu added another sentence: "Is the toxin not completely discharged? Is there any discomfort in the body?"

Fang Haobai breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that he was worried that he was not fully recovered...

"It's okay, Dad, it's just that there are more people in the bathroom, and you are tired, so you can take your mother home to rest." Fang Haobai turned his gaze to Shui Ruoqing.

Fang Moshu took a look at Shui Ruoqing, and felt distressed. My wife didn't know how to cherish herself. Whenever something happened to her son, she would have nightmares whenever she fell asleep. Now she finally fell asleep, her brows still frowning.

"Well, you go to bed early, and I'll take your mother back first."

Fang Moshu got up, a princess hugged Shui Ruoqing, Shui Ruoqing muttered, and hugged Fang Moshu's neck herself, Fang Moshu smiled slightly, and asked Fang Haobai to pass Shui Ruoqing to him. bag, opened the door with his body and walked out.

Fang Haobai sighed helplessly, is it really okay for these two to show their affection in front of their son?
 The third uncle of the Nanpai "Tomb Raiders Notes" is the first anniversary of the return of the little brother, go home.

(End of this chapter)

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