Chapter 125

After Fang Moshu and Shui Ruoqing left, Fang Haobai ran over and took out the computer, opened a software developed by himself, this software is not for sale, only Fang Haobai and his good buddies can get it. use.

This software is similar to social software, but it is more private and has other functions, such as remote networking support for eavesdropping and hacking techniques.

Fang Haobai opened a group of several people, and there were nothing but Fang Haoli, Situ Yu, and Li Meng, but there was another person who came in by himself at some unknown date, and it was hacked.

This software is not like a certain q software, which is easy to be infected with viruses and stolen. Fang Haobai specially set up a three-layer firewall!In addition, this person hacked in without being noticed at all, and Fang Haobai discovered him by accident only a few months after he hacked in.

Fang Haobai thought that he was a talent, so he discussed with him and asked him to stay.

At this point, only this mysterious person is online, and his ID is Spring Leaf.

Fang Haobai clicked on his private chat: "Yezi, do you know Qinghu? On the road, his strength is not bad. He has a partner named Bai Miao. Can you help me find out?"

The other party only replied: Wait for me for 3 minutes.

So, Fang Haobai raised his left wrist, pinched his watch and began to wait.

The second hand crossed the last 12, and the other party replied: This blue tiger is not easy.

Fang Haobai replied with a smile: Damn!Are you a human timer? !So accurate again!
No matter what Fang Haobai asked him to check, this Spring Leaf would only make him wait for 3 minutes, a full 3 minutes, not more than one second, not less than one second.

Chun Shiye sent a file to Fang Haobai for him to read for himself, then ran back to play games with his teammates.

Fang Haobai sighed helplessly, clicked to check, and immediately frowned: "Sure enough...not ordinary people..."

The next morning, Luo Ziqing ran to find Fang Haobai early, but Fang Haobai was already awake, to be precise, he hadn't slept.

"Huh? Haobai, why don't you get up so early if you don't take a good rest?"

"...Want to see you soon~" Fang Haobai didn't let Luo Ziqing know that it was because of her that he didn't sleep, and that Qinghu. He was afraid that she would feel guilty.

Luo Ziqing pulled Fang Haobai out of bed, pushed him to the bathroom, and told him to wash up and have breakfast.When Fang Haobai came out, he saw Luo Ziqing pull out the small table that came with the hospital bed, and put an insulated lunch box on it.

"What is this?"

"Breakfast! Although the cooking is definitely not as delicious as Aunt Zhai and you, but the taste is still impressive!" Luo Ziqing helped Fang Haobai open the lid, and the steam rose on the lunch box. It was porridge, lean meat porridge , Fang Haobai's favorite.

Fang Haobai took the spoon that Luo Ziqing handed over, took a bite, it tasted really good, but...seeing the girl looking so expectant, he couldn't help but want to tease her~

Fang Haobai deliberately put down the spoon: "Hmm... this smell..."

"Isn't it delicious?" Luo Ziqing looked frustrated.

"You should taste it yourself." Fang Haobai handed the spoon he just used to Luo Ziqing.

Luo Ziqing didn't think too much, took a bite and ate it, huh?It's ok, there is no wrong sauce, the meat will not be stale, and the saltiness is just right, there is nothing wrong with it!

"pretty good……"

"Really? Then I'll try again."

The handsome face in front of Luo Ziqing's eyes suddenly enlarged, and a warm, soft thing covered her lips.

 Whoa, whoa, whoa!robbery!Give me a reward!ticket!Tickets are also paid!Comment?Look at the comments and give me a hahahahahahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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