Chapter 127
"No, no, no, nothing! I'm fine, I just feel dizzy when I stand up suddenly~" Luo Ziqing quickly waved her hand, "Ah! If you want to go in and see Haobai, go quickly, I'm going to school too ~Brother Li, see you next time~"

Luo Ziqing was afraid that Li Meng would notice that her mouth was red, so she hurriedly said that she was going to leave.

Li Meng smiled at her, said goodbye and entered the ward, and Luo Ziqing hurried away.

As soon as Li Meng came in and saw Fang Haobai's rarely seen breezy face, he probably knew why he saw Luo Ziqing circling outside just now.

"Haobai, you brat caught up with Zi Qing?" Li Meng put the fruit basket he bought on the bedside table next to him, sat down and peeled apples for him.

A trace of pride flashed in Fang Haobai's eyes: "I caught up with Ziqing a long time ago, okay? You just don't know."

Li Meng stuffed an apple into his mouth: "You still have the nerve to say that it's just that I don't know? No one told me, of course I don't know! You didn't tell me about such a big thing earlier, did you treat me as a brother?"

Fang Haobai took the apple with one hand, and patted Li Meng's shoulder with the other: "Brother Li, you are really my very, very good brother, but I thought Mengyao would tell you."

"She knows too?!"

"She's Zi Qing's best friend...Of course I know."

"Best friend? Isn't she in the same class as you guys? How could someone as cold as my sister hang out with you guys?!"

"... Who are you talking about being funny?"

"……I said I!"

Li Meng sighed helplessly. Even though he was a few years older than this brat, why would he give in every time he met him in such a threatening manner?

It's so useless!

Fang Haobai ate the apple on his own, and asked, "Why are you here? I don't remember inviting you over?"

Li Meng looked at Fang Haobai sadly: "You are already in the hospital, so I can't come and see you? In order to come and see you, I took a morning off!"

Fang Haobai glanced at him: "You are a CEO, why don't you take a leave of absence? Is it up to you whether you want to go or not?"

"...No, I'm just the executive president. The real president is Mengyao, and I have to ask her for leave."

"Leave price?"

"A week of lollipops."

"...So the brotherhood between me and you is so cheap..."

"It's a star lollipop."

"It's not expensive~"

"Customized version."


"One box a day, a box of 10 gift packages."

"Just downloaded some books."

"The patterns are not repeated, and all of them need to be painted by a special painter."


"Now do you know how much it cost me to take a morning off?!"

Fang Haobai patted him on the shoulder pityingly: "It's so pitiful..."

"It cost me more than half a month's salary!" Li Meng was about to cry. All the money earned by the company is Li Mengyao's. Although he is the CEO, the salary is really... pitifully small... his sister You are an out-and-out capitalist, okay? !
Forget it, it's my sister anyway.

It's a pity that I have to marry into their Fang family when I grow up!

Fang Haobai watched Li Meng's face turn white and dark for a while, and looked at him with interest: "So our President Li can change his face? Hahahahahaha!"

Li Meng withdrew his thoughts, looked at Fang Haobai, and slapped Fang Haobai directly on the face.

"Why did you hit me?"

"You deserve a beating."

 Da da da da reward! ! ! !Ticket ticket ticket ticket! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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