Chapter 128 was robbed
Fang Haobai looked puzzled, what did he say?Where did you provoke him again? !

Li Meng sighed: "You Haoli, you fell in love with my family, Mengyao... Why did my sister, who is such a good girl, end up in the hands of your Fang family?"

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows, "Haoli? Like Mengyao? Good thing!" In this way, no one will rob Luo Ziqing from him. Huh~
Seeing his successful smile, Li Meng felt a little panicked, this brat has a lot of fart ideas, and now that he has grown up... there should be more fart ideas...

Li Meng sighed: "You brat, you bullied Zi Qing just now, right? She's a girl, why don't you let her go? You bully her so much, you have to be careful, don't be robbed by others Let's go, the most important thing for a girl like Ziqing is to be chased by boys."

Fang Haobai finished nibbling the apple in his hand, and threw a parabola into the trash can in the distance: "Whoever grabs Ziqing from me, I will make him pay the price! I want to see who has the guts to fight against my Fang family." , fight with Fang Haobai!"

Li Meng shrugged and looked at him indifferently: "Anyway, it's your own woman, you can't depend on others~"

"I know." A cold voice.

Here at the school, Luo Ziqing took the bus to school after a long time, and just got off the bus when she heard a girl pointing at her.

"It's that girl, the girl that Haobai male god likes!"

"She? Isn't she just a little cute? She doesn't look very good either."

"That's right, I don't know how to seduce the male gods."

"Why did she come here by bus?! Did she fall out of favor and fall off a branch?"

"Hehe, who knows? With her beauty, tsk tsk, she's not worth seeing at all."

"I hate this kind of girl the most..."

Luo Ziqing clenched her fists secretly, and walked into the school gate with an indifferent look.

"President! Senior Wen Ruo has something to ask for you, so I want you to go to the office hall as soon as possible!"

As soon as Luo Ziqing entered the gate, she saw a small cadre from the student union running towards her.

Luo Ziqing nodded, turned around and ran towards the student union's castle, and greeted her back: "I'm going now, you go and do your work!"

When Luo Ziqing ran to the student union panting, she found that most of the basic cadres had already gathered in the meeting room, and all of them had solemn faces.

Seeing Luo Ziqing coming, they rushed up one after another:
"President! Something happened!"

"Board of Directors……"

"The student union must be dissolved!"

Luo Ziqing's eyes widened in surprise: "What?! Disbanded? Our Luoying Student Union has always been a special feature of Luoying. How can we just disband if we say it is disbanded?"

"Yeah! The notification came early in the morning!"

"The student union has so much power in Luoying, the dissolution of the student union must require the consent and signature of internal personnel? Who signed it?" Luo Ziqing frowned, and took the document handed over by Wen Ruo.

"Agreement on the Dissolution of Luoying High School Student Union", several bright red characters were printed on the top.

"It's signed by the vice president..."

"The vice president hasn't discussed this matter with us..."

Luo Ziqing saw Mu Yuwei's scribbled signature at the bottom of the document, and for some reason, a nameless anger welled up in her heart.

What is he going to do again? !

Luo Ziqing threw the document on the table: "Where's Mu Yuwei?! He's not here when the whole world is here! He's still the person involved! Isn't that irresponsible?!"

(End of this chapter)

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