childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

There is a virus in chapter 131 lol

There is a virus in chapter 131 lol
Luo Ziqing smiled slightly: "Good principal, I will tell him, hehe, but if we haven't seen the notice, our student union will not easily give up our castle~"

Luo Ziqing pushed the door open, turned around and went out, leaving the principal alone in a cold sweat.

This time it was miserable, he didn't complete any of the tasks assigned by the chairman, and instead was turned by Luo Ziqing.

As if reacting suddenly, the principal picked up the phone, dialed a number, and yelled: "Rewrite the notice of disbanding the student union for me, immediately! Immediately!"

"Principal, the school's computers have been poisoned for no apparent reason! Even the most basic software can't be opened!"

"What?! How is it possible!"

"You can see for yourself!"

The headmaster turned his head and slapped the keyboard, the computer crashed immediately, and a pig head ran to the desktop, sticking out his tongue, as if mocking him.

"Damn! Hurry up and call an engineer to fix it!"

"Principal, you can only find hackers in this situation!"

"Then look for it!"

"Our school only has computer teachers, no hackers..."

"...I don't care what method you use, after 30 minutes, put a new notice in my office!"

"...Principal, I..."

Beep, beep, the busy tone on the other end of the phone made the dean feel helpless.

"Call the computer teacher to fix the firewall!"

"Within 30 minutes, send the notice of the dissolution of the student union to my mobile phone!"


So, in the teacher's office, the long-lost busyness and excitement finally returned...

Luo Ziqing returned to the student union, and hurried to Wen Ruo's small private office: "Senior, are you all right?"

Wen Ruo was leisurely holding a sandwich in one hand, and typing casually on the keyboard with the other.

"Oh? It's back, it's been fixed a long time ago, the school should be busy now, right? Don't worry, my virus, unless I find someone who is better than me, there is no way to fix it in a day."

"Senior, you are too powerful!"

Wen Ruo pointed to a plate of sandwiches beside him: "I brought it from home, my mother made it, it tastes very good, do you want to eat it?"

"Okay~" Luo Ziqing happily ran over, carefully picked up a sandwich, and took a small bite: "Wow! Auntie's craftsmanship is really good! It's so delicious! It's almost better than Haobai's. It's even more delicious!"

Wen Ruo saw someone preparing to kill his virus, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and pressed a button: "Boom~ Explosion~"

Seeing Luo Ziqing's puzzled look, he smiled triumphantly: "I've designed this virus for a long time, and it's finally working, it's really rare~"

Luo Ziqing looked at him adoringly: "Senior, I beg you, there are two years left in high school, please don't leave our student union! Wow!"

Wen Ruo smiled and handed the last sandwich to Luo Ziqing: "Okay, I won't leave, hahahahaha, you little girl is really interesting, you have only been here for such a long time, and you have bought all of our hearts , are all determined for the good of the student union, why do you think you have such great potential as a little girl, huh?"

Luo Ziqing smiled embarrassedly: "Hey, no, I think it's just so-so~"

 I don’t have time to write Chapter 3, so I have to do this. I won’t update it tomorrow. The update the day after tomorrow depends on when I come back from school, but please ask for a reward~
(End of this chapter)

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