Chapter 132
"President, you have to have confidence in yourself, you are already very good." Wen Ruo looked at the girl in front of him appreciatively, "As the newly appointed president of the student union, it is already very good to be able to achieve this level as soon as you come in. You see, as soon as you came in, you read all the school's previous materials and memorized them. In a short period of time, you quickly found some loopholes left in the previous period and repaired them. You also assigned your own tasks to each department. , this student union is organized by you in an orderly manner!"

Luo Ziqing smiled embarrassedly: "It's really nothing, it's what a president should do."

Wen Ruo was about to teach this little girl a good lesson, letting her know how difficult it was to be the president of the previous student union, when there was a loud noise at the door.Luo Ziqing and Wen Ruo looked at each other, and hurried to the door.

What a pity, the principal must have come over with the security 'killing'!

As soon as I arrived at the gate, I saw the principal and a group of school security guards at the gate, and the student union's own security department was also blocking the entrance, and Xiao Zhu, the cadre of the security department, was the first to block it.

This is the principal. Of course, students have no way to resist the principal. Therefore, the people in the security department did not hold weapons, but just blocked the door with their bodies to prevent outsiders from entering.

"Principal, isn't everyone in our student council allowed in?"

"I'm the principal, can't I go in?"

"Our student union does not belong to the school, we belong to the board of directors! Therefore, without the permission of the board of directors, people other than members of the student union are not allowed to enter!!"

"I represent the board of directors! Of course I can go in." The principal said as he was about to rush in, but was blocked by Xiao Zhu.

"Principal, our student union really can't enter!"

"Hehe, if I can't go in, I will go in too. Your place is now under the school! Your so-called student union has also been disbanded!"

"But our student union has not received any notice, so this notice is just a unilateral notice from the principal and you. If our student union doesn't know about it, then this notice cannot be established!"

"Hmph! Wait, your vice president is already on his way. When he arrives, let him confront you face to face!"

Luo Ziqing ran up and pulled Xiao Zhu away: "Senior, the principal is a guest, we are polite and good students, how can we compare ourselves to some unreasonable troublemakers who only know how to oppress students to do things for the rich? Come on , please come in and sit down for a while."

Luo Ziqing's pretty face was full of cute smiles, and she couldn't see any affectation at all, but what she said really made the principal's potbellied body tremble.

Unreasonable troubles will only suppress students to do things for the rich. Does this mean him?
Wen Ruo secretly gave Luo Ziqing a thumbs up, this little girl is good, she kills people invisible, and she doesn't swear at anyone!
And Xiao Zhu pushed it aside, lowered his head cooperatively, and made an inviting gesture: "Principal, I didn't think carefully, please come in~"

Although what he said was an apology, it could be seen that after Xiao Zhu lowered his head, he kept laughing, his body was shaking, and he was about to twitch.

Luo Ziqing stepped out of the aisle and looked at the principal with a puzzled look on her face: "Principal, why didn't you come in? Didn't you just keep talking about coming in?"

 The school has started, you know, the scumbag author is very busy, he has to make up his homework and recite ancient poems... Sigh!

(End of this chapter)

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