Chapter 133 Internal Veto
The few hairs on the headmaster's head stood up in anger: "You guys, you are bullying too much! I am the headmaster! You must listen to me! I really wanted to go in just now, but now, I'm afraid I'll dirty myself !"

When Luo Ziqing heard this, she immediately beamed and said, "Oh? Is that so, then you will never come in our student union?"

"That's right! I'm a clean freak!"

"In this case, Xiao Zhu! Close the door! I still have something to add to this morning's meeting. Please, senior Wen Ruo, gather the comrades of the student union! Principal, we... still have things to do, so I won't accompany you~"

With a bang, the door was closed by Xiao Zhu, locking the principal and a group of security guards who were looking at each other, and the door almost hit the principal's nose.

"Damn it! These little bastards! When Master Mu comes, I'll make you look good!"

Here Mu Yuwei was still on the road, looking at the long line of cars in front of him, his face darkened, and he slammed his fist on the steering wheel: "Damn!"

Luo Ziqing leisurely walked back to the conference hall, waiting for Wen Ruo to call the student union officials to gather for a meeting.Wen Ruo's speed was very fast. In less than 10 minutes, all the student council leaders in the castle arrived at the conference room and sat down in an orderly manner.

"Seniors of the student union, first of all, I would like to say sorry to everyone. Because of my personal grievances with the principal, our student union is now in trouble. But since I caused this matter, I will definitely take responsibility. Lead everyone to break through this difficulty. The notice of the dissolution of the student union was indeed discussed with our internal personnel, that is, the vice president, Mu Yuwei, and he also signed the agreement."

"I don't have any prejudice against him, and I always think he is a talented person, but just because of what he is doing now, I propose to internally reject Mu Yuwei's position as the vice president of the student union. And set up a student union."

"From now on, give everyone 5 minutes to think about it, and vote after 5 minutes!"

Luo Ziqing pressed the timer on the table, sat on the chair, and sighed heavily.

There are probably many people from Mu Yuwei in this society, right?During the time when Mu Yu was not around, Luo Ziqing often saw him giving things to some important members of the student union, and he only picked expensive things to give, and didn't care about money at all.

Of course, a little girl like her, who has no money, can't compare with a rich and lavish young master like him. Let alone giving them away, she always eats Wen Ruo's snacks...

At this time, it can only depend on the centripetal force of their student union.

The timer rang, and the people who were discussing in full swing just now fell silent.

Luo Ziqing raised her hand: "Now! It's time!"

"Those who agree to veto Mu Yuwei internally go to my left, and those who disagree, please go to my right. Now! Voting begins!"

Then, a group of people stood up in a rush, and they all walked to Luo Ziqing's left hand side, only a few people were still standing on her right hand side.

These few people looked left and right for a while, and found that everyone went to the opposite side. After discussing for a while, they also went to the opposite side slowly.

Luo Ziqing looked around and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Internal veto of Vice President Mu Yuwei's voting meeting, agreed to veto, unanimously passed!"

"Now I declare!"

"Mu Yuwei, the former vice president of the student union, has been forcibly expelled from the student union!"


 Come...more...update't come...come a...a little?

(End of this chapter)

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