Chapter 134
As soon as the other student union officials left, Luo Ziqing slumped on the chair: "I was scared to death, I thought there would be negative votes."

Wen Ruo did not know where to find a box of chocolates, and handed it to Luo Ziqing: "Even if someone votes against, there are not as many votes in favor. Our student union has always obeyed the minority and the majority, even if those people finally Standing in the opposing team, Mu Yuwei will still be expelled."

Luo Ziqing unceremoniously picked up a piece of chocolate, and tore off the candy wrapper: "But that would be detrimental to the team's centripetal force. Think about it, if these people who voted against insisted on opposing, but I ended up If I agree to dismiss Mu Yuwei internally, these people will definitely have opinions on me, and if only a few of them have opinions on me, my image in front of everyone will be greatly reduced, so, will everyone still listen to me?"

Wen Ruo smiled: "You little girl thinks about the long-term, yes, I like a president like you."

Luo Ziqing took another piece of chocolate and stuffed it into her mouth: "Thank you senior for your appreciation~haha! By the way, the principal told you to wait, he is going to kick you out of school."

Wen Ruo shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Then let him talk about it. Who wouldn't say that someone is capable? In this school, there is no one who can drive me out. This fat principal, at most To scare you, what are you afraid of?"

Luo Ziqing curled her lips: "Senior, you are too arrogant. If the principal really kicks you out, I won't be able to save you, and I won't be able to help you."

Wen Ruo smiled: "Don't worry, he won't be able to drive away~"

Luo Ziqing took another piece of chocolate, and Wen Ruo pursed her lips in pain, this little girl is too good to eat, right?I ate his sandwich before!

"By the way, senior, I've known you for so long, but I still don't know which department you belong to, senior. I haven't found your file in the student union files. Why?"

Wen Ruo raised his eyebrows: "It's very easy to find my file, because I'm not from your student union in the first place."

Luo Ziqing was playing with the legs of the chair, but when she heard it, she almost fell down: "What?! But our student union doesn't allow outside members? Why..."

"How can I come and go as I please and have my own private office? How can I have all the rights of being a student union member?"

Looking at the anticipation on Luo Ziqing's face, Wen Ruo sighed: "This matter is a long story, and I can't finish it in a while, or..."

"Let's make a long story short! Don't hold on to other people's appetites! If I don't sleep well at night because of this, I will definitely not let you go!"

Wen Ruo looked at Luo Ziqing helplessly, and had no choice but to say: "This matter is actually quite complicated. This ancient castle is the property left by my family, so it can also be said to be one of my homes, but the founder of Luoying back then I fell in love with this old castle of ours and wanted to build a school here. How could our family sell the things handed down by our ancestors? So of course we won’t sell them! But the Mu family is here and refuses to leave. Well, the head of our family thought about it and decided to rent it out temporarily to earn some money, and I was admitted to this school, so of course I became the manager of this castle."

"Come to the student union to help out purely for fun."

"What else do you have to ask?

 Na, update, na, reward?

(End of this chapter)

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