Chapter 138

"What's the matter with Master Haobai? Why haven't you come to school for so many days?"

"Ah!!! I miss my Lord Haobai so much!!!"

"Your Master Haobai? Stop joking, okay?"

"That's right, how could someone as noble as Lord Haobai like you!"

Luo Ziqing looked at the girls over there, curled her lips in disgust, how could Luoying accept such students... The overall IQ of the school has been lowered by them, okay?I don't know how to study all day, but I know how to look at handsome guys...

"Zi Qing!" After being patted on the shoulder, Luo Ziqing turned her head, and it turned out to be Li Mengyao.

"Ziqing, why didn't you come to class all morning? Yiqi and I thought something was wrong with you. I couldn't get through to my cell phone." Looking at Li Mengyao's worried face, Luo Ziqing shook her head: "It's okay, just That Mu family... is looking for trouble again, but don't worry, the almighty little Superman Ziqing has already taken care of everything! They are too stupid, they can't beat me!"

Li Mengyao sighed: "You, why don't you tell us, I can ask my brother to help, anyway, our Li family is also a member of the board of directors, besides, there is Uncle Fang, isn't there?"

"That's right! Godfather!" Luo Ziqing suddenly remembered something, waved to Li Mengyao, said, "I'll go to Godfather's company." and ran away.

"Hey, this girl!" Li Mengyao helplessly looked at her running back and shook her head.

The Fang family's position in the school's board of directors is also very important. The Mu family must deal with their student union in large part because she is from the Fang family's side. The student union is too important to Luoying. If she is the president of the student union, then This student union is equivalent to the Fang family's. The Mu family must be afraid that the Fang family will threaten their Mu family's status in the school.

However, since this is the case, why did you give the position of student council president to her in the first place?How could the Mu family be so stupid, how could they be so stupid.

There must be a conspiracy in all of this!
A conspiracy about the Fang family!

Luo Ziqing took a taxi to Fang Moshu's company, and went up to the top floor to look for him, but was stopped by a gorgeously dressed woman.

"Miss, do you have an appointment?"

Luo Ziqing looked up, eh?Isn't she the cute secretary sister she used to be?

"No." Luo Ziqing was a little unhappy, really, it's a good job, what kind of secretary is it?

The woman suddenly became condescending: "Dare to barge into our young manager's office without an appointment? Where did you get that wild girl from? Huh? The young manager is not something you can easily hook up with, get out!"

Luo Ziqing was always in a hurry, but now that she met such a person, she immediately became angry: "This aunt, I'm surprised, do I still need to make an appointment when I come to see my brother?"

"Brother? Puchi, little girl, if you lie, please write down the draft, okay? The young manager only has a twin brother and no younger sister. And I'm the older sister. What's wrong with you who have no eyesight? The young manager is such a gentle person." Where's my sister?" The woman's eyes were filled with indescribable contempt.

Hey I'll go!What's the matter with this woman?It's okay to stand in her way, and she's doing her duty, but she still calls her a yellow-haired girl!This Luo Ziqing didn't want to bear it anymore, she was a freshman in high school!She is no longer a bratty girl!

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Mina-san!I originally wanted to write a side story, but hey, I only give you one hour. If you finish coding, you can post it. If you can’t finish coding, you can find time to post it!

(End of this chapter)

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