Chapter 139 Bet!
"Hey! Auntie, let's make a bet! If I am Haoli's younger sister, you will lose. You have to give me 100 million and apologize to me. If I am not, then I will lose. Relatively , I will also give you 100 million, and apologize to you, okay?" Luo Ziqing's eyes were full of displeasure and calculations, hum!It's bad luck for this woman to meet her!
The woman was triumphant: "Then you're doomed, I'll bet with you, hurry up and prepare 100 million, hahahaha! You little girls just want to play empty city tricks, pretend that you really know each other and propose to me Bet, if I was scared, I would let you in, right? You little tricks are too tender!"

Luo Ziqing smiled and picked up the mobile phone in her hand and shook it at her: "Auntie, I have already recorded this passage! Remember to give me 100 million and apologize!"

That woman didn't expect Luo Ziqing to be smart enough to record this passage, but she still looked confident: "You'd better win first, little girl!"

Luo Ziqing sneered, and directly dialed Fang Haoli's number:

"Haoli, are you in the company?"

"Yeah. Yes, what's the matter?"

"Come out and pick me up, there is a nasty aunt here!"

"...Why did you come here, wait, I'll come out now!"


Seeing Luo Ziqing hang up the phone, the woman still laughed at Luo Ziqing: "How is it? What's wrong? Do you think you can get away with just pretending to make a phone call? Hehe! You're so ridiculous!"

In fact, she was still afraid in her heart. The confident look of this little girl really didn't seem to be deceiving...

After a while, Fang Haoli came out of the office, saw Zi Qing's unhappy face, and hurried up: "Didn't you say you were going to find Haobai? Why did you come to me again? What, who bullied you again?"

Luo Ziqing pointed at the woman, with a dissatisfied expression on her face: "Why is that handsome and rich sister from before gone? I don't like this woman."

The woman here was so shocked that she didn't know what to say, but the powder on her face fell down in fright.

This, this, this little girl is really the young manager's younger sister? ! !Then isn't she going to give this girl 100 million? ! !Do you want to humbly apologize to her? ! !

Luo Ziqing glanced at her, and handed the recording in her hand to Fang Haoli in a 'considerate' way: "I still made a bet with her, brother Haoli."

Luo Ziqing deliberately accentuated the tone of the words 'Brother Haoli', and then looked at the woman proudly and snickered.

Haha, she was in an unhappy mood, but her mood improved a lot because of this incident, which made her forget the purpose of coming here in the first place.

Fang Haoli listened to the recording, and immediately turned cold: "Is this how I told you to receive guests? What if it's not my sister who came this time, but a client? You will ruin millions or even hundreds of millions of orders, you If you work for our company for free for 30 years, you may not be able to pay for it, you know?!"

"Besides, even I haven't killed my sister, why do you? Huh?"

"Go to the personnel department to receive this month's salary, get out."

Coldly dumping this woman, Fang Haoli dragged Luo Ziqing and left without pursuing her 100 million and apologizing, which really did her a favor.

Now Fang Haoli no longer likes Luo Ziqing, so he completely regards her as his younger sister.

 To be honest, not only did I write last night's episode today, but I also coded the normal updates. Are you really not rewarding?okokokok? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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