Chapter 143 Study hard
Luo Ziqing froze for a moment, then quickly handed Fang Haobai the other pair of chopsticks in the bag.

Fang Haobai took the chopsticks and ate all the food in a short while, which stunned Luo Ziqing: "Why did you eat so fast, didn't you just eat one portion just now? Isn't it enough?"

Fang Haobai wiped his mouth with a paper towel slowly: "The nature of the two meals is different, so of course you have to finish it."

Luo Ziqing shook her head: "Then there's no need to eat so fast, right? I haven't finished eating yet!"

Fang Haobai looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, and said, "If you don't finish eating, I don't think you will have time to go back to school."

Luo Ziqing looked up and became flustered immediately; "Why didn't you remind me earlier!! I'm going to be late!!"

Although she is the president of the student union, she doesn't have to be late, but she can't abuse her power!
She finished the rest of the meal quickly, and was about to run out after collecting the lunch box, but was stopped by Fang Haobai again: "Tomorrow weekend, I will be discharged from the hospital. I promised you before that I will do whatever I want with you after I am discharged from the hospital." Just do it, is there anything you want to do?"

Luo Ziqing shook her head: "I won't do anything this weekend, I have to study hard! The monthly exam is coming soon, what if I fail the exam and my grades are so bad that I will be kicked out of the key class in front of me, what should I do? This Save the opportunity for later."

Fang Haobai thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Luo Ziqing left a satisfied smile, turned around and ran out: "Bye! I'll come back after school!"

Fang Haobai watched Luo Ziqing disappear from sight, then looked at the dusty schoolbag next to his hospital bed, and shrugged.

He didn't need to study at all, but for Luo Ziqing's sake, he'd better read a book and help her prepare a pre-test paper.

It was the same in the past. Whenever the exam was about to take place, Fang Haobai would help Luo Ziqing write out a pre-test paper, and in all likelihood, she would hit the test. So even if Luo Ziqing didn't study hard, she still had Fang Haobai as her backer, but Luo Ziqing I am very talented in learning, which is also one aspect.

But this girl is worried about the student union every day, so she probably hasn't studied much.

While thinking about it, Fang Haobai pulled his schoolbag, took out the books inside, and began to give Luo Ziqing the paper seriously.

After school, Luo Ziqing went to the student union to deal with some things before taking Fang Haoli's car to Fang Haobai's place.

Fang Haoli can go to school, which means that the company's affairs should be fine, so Luo Ziqing left the school with peace of mind. Even the Mujiawen's family can't control the company's affairs, so they can't do anything about it. The students will not do anything excessive.

Besides, Mu Yuwei had already been expelled from the student union, they had no internal support, and it was hard for them to do anything.

When Luo Ziqing and the others arrived at the hospital, Fang Haobai had already completed the papers for Luo Ziqing.

Looking around, it is densely packed with problems.

Luo Ziqing was stunned when she first saw it: "Are these... all questions?"

Fang Haobai nodded casually: "Well, that's all. I have tried my best to give as little as possible. If you can digest all these, there will be no problems in the first monthly exam. The school's exam papers come in These are the types of questions in the exam.”

Luo Ziqing looked at the paper in front of her, wanting to cry but not crying.

God!O earth!What exactly did she, Luo Ziqing, do wrong? ! !

 Qiqi really doesn’t want to reply to the comments these days, so I will reply together on the evening of the 7th to support Qiqi’s babies, Qiqi is really happy, Qiqi loves you~
(End of this chapter)

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