Chapter 144

There's nothing wrong with her, she just found a terrible boyfriend...

Having said that, but the sharp weapon that can pass the exam is still to be accepted, ho ho ho!
Luo Ziqing took the paper that Fang Haobai gave her and put it in her schoolbag: "Then let's go to the library to review on the weekend, how about it?"

Fang Haobai nodded: "Yes."

Fang Haoli looked at the two of them, and silently helped Fang Haobai put away his things. Although Fang Haobai only stayed in the hospital for a week, he still brought a lot of things with him.After packing up his things, Fang Haoli went halfway through the hospital discharge procedures before saying to the two people, "Let's go!"

At this time, Fang Haobai had already changed out of his hospital gown, and he returned to his handsome appearance.

Fang Haobai picked up the three big bags of supplies and clothes that Fang Haoli had packed away with one hand, took Zi Qing with the other, and walked out with Fang Haoli.

In the car, the three of them didn't speak much, and drove back home in silence.

There is no one at home, Fang Moshu and Shui Ruoqing are still dealing with the problems left by the company. Although the Wen family is not very powerful in Z city now, with the financial support of the Wen family, they still give the Fang family a lot of money. small impact.

Aunt Zhai cooked Fang Haobai a table of delicious dishes, all of which he likes to eat, but he chose light ones, saying that he couldn't eat greasy things just after being discharged from the hospital, so Luo Ziqing cried, with a disappointed expression on his face Grabbing the food in front of him.

How could Aunt Zhai not understand Luo Ziqing's taste after staying with Luo Ziqing for so long?
She brought out the fried chestnuts that she had prepared for Luo Ziqing, Luo Ziqing was immediately happy, threw away the original bowl and plate, and smiled happily while holding the plate of fried chestnuts.

"Aunt Zhai, I love you to death!"

Aunt Zhai patted Luo Ziqing's head: "You girl! I just like to eat fried chestnuts, it would be ugly to have acne~"

Luo Ziqing's face was full of indifference: "People are iron and rice is steel~ It doesn't matter if you don't look good~"

Aunt Zhai chatted with Luo Ziqing again, and then went to her servant's room.

Fang Haobai was originally eating the lean meat porridge in the bowl, but when he saw Luo Ziqing, he wanted to tease her. Taking advantage of Luo Ziqing's inattention, he took away a chestnut from Luo Ziqing, and proudly waved it in front of her : "Ah! Isn't this a chestnut!"

"Give it back to me! This is me!"

"What's yours? It's obviously made by my aunt. My ingredients, my pot and my kitchen, why are they yours?"

"But the godmother said, 'Zi Qing, can I treat this place as my own home from now on?', so, this is also my home! Yes, that's it."

Fang Haobai provocatively peeled off the outer layer of hard skin and put it in his mouth, and squinted at Luo Zi triumphantly: "But this is also my home.".

Luo Ziqing took a deep breath, calm down!She must be calm!She can't be angry!Otherwise you lose!

"Forget it, you can eat whatever you want, whatever you want."

This time, Fang Haobai was also taken aback, what's wrong with this girl, why is she so calm all of a sudden?
Seeing that Fang Haobai was dumbfounded, Luo Ziqing secretly smiled, and then continued to add another sentence calmly: "If you really don't want to become a ~family~person~with me in the future."

Family, this meaning is very deep...

Seeing Luo Ziqing's sniggering, Fang Haobai returned the chestnuts helplessly: "Eat, eat, eat more, you can slaughter and eat when you are fattened up."

eat?This meaning is not normal~
 Qiqi is sick, bronchitis, the only feeling is that I am tired from coughing and coughing... I didn't update last night, so I will make up tonight, so there will be another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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