Chapter 151 I Promise Him

The recruitment requirements on this leaflet are very detailed, but the age column has been crossed out. This is a recruitment advertisement that is the same as all other recruitment requirements except for the age limit.

Fang Haoli pondered over the list quietly, not caring that there were still people talking about him, as if he couldn't hear him.

"The manager is so serious~"

"Yeah, super handsome!"

Fang Haoli sighed, silently marked on the flyer, looked at the time, more than two hours had passed unknowingly, and it was almost time for the interview, so he got up, took off the outside clothes For the jacket, I took the suit jacket and tie that I had prepared a long time ago from the bag, put it on very naturally, tied the tie, and at a glance, I changed from casual casual clothes to a serious suit.

Fang Haoli pressed the elevator, waited for the elevator to come down, looked at the number of floors that had decreased, and finally smiled, one year is about to begin.

Fang Haobai and Luo Ziqing here saw Li Mengyao come back with a dazed face, her eyes were still red, and together with Fang Haoli's text message, both of them knew that something must have happened.

Luo Ziqing pressed Li Mengyao on the stool: "Mengyao, what's wrong with you? It's not good to have a mournful face~"

Li Mengyao endured it for a long time, but finally broke down, and cried on Luo Ziqing's shoulder.

The people next to him looked dissatisfied with the table again, so Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai had no choice but to take her out first.

That day, Li Mengyao cried for a long time, Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai also accompanied her for a long time, and Fang Haoli, just by himself, silently did many, many things that he should do.

From that day on, Fang Haobai and Luo Ziqing seldom saw Fang Haoli go home, and Li Mengyao never saw him at all.

She knew that she would have to wait a year to see the person in her heart again, but if a year passed, she still hadn't seen him again?Will he just leave her life forever?Then the fate of the two people who could have met and entangled could never meet again. If so, what would she do?
Fang Haoli moved out of Fang Zhai, rented a house outside, and used the money he transferred from the company to support himself. On the day he moved out, he didn't ask for a penny from his family.

Only occasionally, he would go home for a meal. Aunt Zhai always prepared the most sumptuous meal on that day, because Fang Haoli saw that every time he came back, he was a little thinner than the last time, so what she cooked most was meat. He was always beside him giving him vegetables.

Although Fang Haoli is not her own son, but she watched him grow up, seeing Fang Haoli's increasingly mature but thin face, Aunt Zhai's eyes would turn red, but she felt very sad in her heart. gratified.

Fang Haoli's performance in the company, Fang Moshu would bring it back every day, and Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai were both day students, so sometimes they would gather together at Fang's house.Every time Li Mengyao heard about Fang Haoli, her eyes were calm. She didn't want others to see that she was worried about Fang Haoli, but in fact, everyone could see it, whether it was adults or other children.

Luo Ziqing secretly asked Li Mengyao: "Why don't you find another boy?"

She only said a word silently: "I promised him to wait for a year."

At this time, Luo Ziqing and Gu Yiqi always stood silently behind her.

 Da today!

(End of this chapter)

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