Chapter 152 Miss Li

Now I can only hope that Fang Haoli will not disappoint Li Mengyao.

Time, it passed in a trance, a year, what is it?

Li Mengyao didn't know how she survived this day, Fang Haoli didn't show up from morning to night, and she didn't go to school.

Luo Ziqing and Gu Yiqi called her many times, but she didn't answer any of them. She knew that Luo Ziqing and the others were worried about her, but now she just wanted to wait for Fang Haoli to come back.

But... why, why haven't you come back yet?
Li Mengyao, who was sitting by the window, shook her head, big teardrops just fell on her hands, she buried her head in her arms, shrugging her shoulders.

It was agreed for a year, why didn't he come back?

He doesn't love himself anymore?

Or fell in love with someone else?
Fang Haoli, you bastard!

"Meng Yao!"

As if someone called her?

"Meng Yao!"

Someone really called her?

"Meng Yao, are you there? I'm back!"

Wait... Is this Fang Haoli's voice?
Li Mengyao raised her head abruptly, leaning against the window, watching Fang Haoli standing downstairs, looking up anxiously waiting for her.

When she saw the butler go out and pull Fang Haoli in, she suddenly remembered that the person she was waiting for had returned. She ran downstairs like crazy, threw herself into Fang Haoli's arms who was still standing by the door, and hugged him tightly. stopped him.

"Bad guy!" Li Mengyao's sobbing voice was really damn distressing.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm coming back now." Fang Haoli also put his arms around Li Mengyao, stroked her head, and let his chin rest on the top of Li Mengyao's head.


"Think I'm not coming?"


"Silly girl, why don't you believe me?"

"Then why are you here now? It's already afternoon."

"I want to attend the company's high-level meeting."

Fang Haoli pushed Li Mengyao aside and sat down on the sofa. Suddenly, he knelt down in front of him and took out a jewelry box from his pocket.

"Miss Li, I'm the manager of the Fang Group. I have a car, but I don't have a house right now."

Li Mengyao pursed her lips, but the corners of her eyes couldn't stop smiling: "Who cares if you have a house, bastard!"

Fang Haoli smiled slightly, and took the ring out of the jewelry box: "Miss Li, do you think this ring is beautiful?"

Seeing Fang Haoli being so serious, Li Mengyao suddenly felt that she was losing her composure. She wiped away her tears and nodded: "Pretty."

Fang Haoli looked at Li Mengyao's expectant face and sighed impatiently. He really... didn't want to do this, but...

"Next month, I plan to get engaged to a colleague in the company. Do you think this is suitable for her?"

"I wish... what?"

What?marry?with who?
Li Mengyao's eyes darkened, her heart was covered by a layer of darkness, she waited hard for a year, is this the result of her waiting? ! !
"Haoli... you!"

"Miss Li, I sincerely hope that you can come to the scene as our witness, because in my heart, you are the first driving force for me to move forward in the first six months. Because of you, thank you."

"Get out!" Li Mengyao completely collapsed, stood up and pushed Fang Haoli away, until she reached the door, she opened the door, Fang Haoli has lost a lot of weight after drinking bottles for a year, so Li Mengyao just pushed him out .

 Chi Chi!real!no!stepmother!don't want!send!blade!I!sorry!Baby!they!

(End of this chapter)

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