Chapter 153 Return My Son!

The door slammed shut in front of Fang Haoli, almost hitting the tip of Fang Haoli's nose. Even though he felt very uncomfortable now, he still squatted down in front of the door slowly, and stuffed a piece of paper through the crack of the door. Zhang's invitation letter: "This is our engagement invitation letter, please be sure to come when the time comes!"

Li Mengyao looked at the big red invitation letter lying silently on the ground, crying hysterically, she Li Mengyao!Wrong person!
"I don't want to listen to you! Go away! I won't go!"

"Miss Li... I know I gave you unrealistic hopes in the past, but it's not the same now. I really hope to get your blessing." Fang Haoli stood up and stood at the door with a sad expression on his face. .

"...Okay, you wait, I'll go!" The past made a mess of your engagement banquet!

"Thank you, Ms. Li, I will ask the driver to pick you up that day, so I'll be leaving first." Fang Haoli turned around resolutely and left.

Li Mengyao heard the footsteps gradually going away, ran to her room, and finally watched Fang Haoli disappear at the corner of the street from the window.

A girl's cry came from behind, very sad, Fang Haoli knew that he had completely destroyed a girl's heart.

He got into a black car at the corner, and sighed: "You heard me, this is what you want, I have done it, and you have to fulfill your promise, don't hurt Mengyao, one cent .”

A woman wearing black sunglasses in the back seat leaned forward: "As long as you get engaged to me, when you are a little older and we get married, I will never hurt this little girl, so be safe, know ?"

Fang Haoli secretly clenched his fist for a long time, but then let go: "I know."

The black car started and disappeared at the corner of the street. That night, Fang Haoli's cell phone was not connected, and he did not go home. Li Mengyao's cell phone was turned off, and he did not go to school the next day.

I didn't go on the third day, nor on the fourth day, and then the weekend was off. Li's family didn't find her, but instead saw a truck carrying a bunch of things, and people were constantly moving them to it.

Luo Ziqing was completely stunned, what happened to these two people?One was in the company and didn't say anything, and the other simply disappeared without leaving any clues. Obviously, that day should be a happy day, isn't it a great day for Fang Haoli to come back?
Gu Yiqi went back to her hometown, but she didn't go back to Z City, and there was no news of her coming back. Situ Yu was in a hurry. He didn't know where he got the address of Gu Yiqi's hometown, and went directly to Gu Yiqi's hometown to find Gu Yiqi. Until now, not only did he not come back like Gu Yiqi, None.

It's not in the mountains. Is this some kind of moth that has no signal?

Although Luo Ziqing was anxious, she couldn't do anything until the day before Fang Haoli's engagement——

"What did you say?!! Engaged?!!"

"with who?"

Fang Haoli passed the invitation to the family in front of him indifferently: "My colleagues in the company and my assistant - Ying Xiaorou, I hope you can go to bless us at the engagement banquet tomorrow."

Luo Ziqing kept shaking her head, is this Fang Haoli in front of her now the gentle and devoted brother she knew before?How did it become so strange, so different?
Fang Moshu stared at Fang Haoli for a few seconds, then slapped him: "Where's that person a year ago? Where's my son?!" After speaking, Fang Moshu turned around angrily and went upstairs. No longer looking at the son who gave him hope, the moment he turned around, Fang Moshu, this successful man in his career, this strong man who had gone through great storms, cried.

 The previous chapter was made up for last night, because the school’s parent meeting was held very late when I came home and was scolded by my mother, so there was no update. This chapter is only for tonight. It may be a bit abused recently. Well, this will become a very important emotional warming point!
(End of this chapter)

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