Chapter 155 Stupid, fool!
Fang Haoli really hated this woman.

But although he was very unhappy, he still obediently went to the door to receive the guests.

After waiting for a long time, only relatives from Ying Xiaorou's side came over, but no one from Fang's side was seen.Fang Haoli couldn't tell whether he wanted Fang Moshu and the others to come over, but if the other party was Li Mengyao, she would definitely try to get their blessing.

But now the object is Ying Xiaorou, he doesn't think so anymore...

When he thought of getting engaged, but no relatives came over, he felt uncomfortable when he cared about him. Although it was an engagement he didn't want, even so, he deserved it. After all, he didn't keep it first. Credit, instead of being with Li Mengyao, found another woman. Although there are difficulties in it, it is unforgivable in the eyes of outsiders.

Especially Li Mengyao, after waiting for him for a year, a whole year, without someone she likes by her side, protecting her all the time, how much unhappiness and difficult time should she have experienced?

After finally waiting, he came back and gave the girl a hard blow.

But as long as he can protect Li Mengyao as much as possible, he will be very happy.Although Xiaorou's request is very difficult for him to accept, but for the person he likes, he has to give his all, isn't it?
Almost all the family members from Ying Xiaorou's side came, but there was still no one on the Fang's side, and Li Mengyao didn't show up either.

Li Mengyao, whom he was thinking of so much, is now at the airport with Luo Ziqing.

Early this morning, Luo Ziqing received a call from Li Mengyao. After scolding Li Mengyao, she learned from her that she was going to the United States. She ran to the airport like a madman, and only left a sentence for Fang Haobai :
Go find Haoli!

Li Mengyao was about to board the plane in two hours, seeing the panting Luo Ziqing, she was unexpectedly calm.

"Zi Qing, you're here..."

"Big idiot! Fool! Why are you leaving?! Why are you leaving!"

Li Mengyao just smiled: "I figured it out... If I like him so much, then he is happy, I don't need to bother him, but... her engagement banquet, wedding and so on, I really am I didn't have the courage to go."

Luo Ziqing was so anxious that she was about to cry: "Then you go? It's not your fault, you go with a ball of yarn! It should be him and that bad woman named Ying Xiaorou who are going to go! Why do you go?!! "

"I can't stay here anymore. The memories here are too bad. I want to go to a place where no one knows me and live on my own. The company here is handed over to my brother, and my living expenses are not enough. Worry, I will send you my own messages in the future, don’t worry about me.”

Luo Ziqing really couldn't help crying this time: "I don't want it! You must not leave, how can I rest assured that you are like this?! You are a girl, alone, and have no relatives. What if something happens to you? What do you want Brother Li to do?! What do you want me and Yiqi to do?!"

Li Mengyao patted her head, and wiped her tears with a tissue in the other hand: "Don't cry, I didn't cry yet, those who didn't know thought I was bullying you."

Luo Ziqing firmly grabbed Li Mengyao's clothes: "I don't care, I don't want you to go! I'll just grab you and see how you go!"

 Chi Chi!ensure!once!The abuse is over!after!Neither!Appear again!Abusive!Wait for Mengyao to leave!everything!Neither!No more abuse!
  A baby rewarded 999 book coins, breaking the record!

  The screen of Qiqi's mobile phone is blown up, and the computer at home is broken. It's hard to finish coding, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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