Chapter 156 Quick!
"Zi Qing... don't be willful." Li Mengyao looked at Luo Ziqing grabbing her clothes, feeling a little helpless, but even more distressed, "I told you I will come back to see you, don't worry, okay? I It’s not going to be a big deal if I just go abroad alone to calm down.”

Luo Ziqing tugged even tighter while crying: "I won't! I won't! I don't want you to go! I don't allow you to go! If you go, who will Yiqi and I play with?!"

Li Mengyao knew in her heart that she said this to keep her, but she still deliberately said: "So you kept me for fun?" Luo Ziqing quickly shook her head: "No! I just don't want you to go..."

Li Mengyao patted her head: "Okay, I know, Yiqi has Yu, and you also have Haobai, so how can you still lack me, right?"

"'re coaxing me, I won't let you go!"

"Azusa! You..."

Here Luo Ziqing is clinging to Li like brown sugar?Mengyao refused to let her go, Fang Haobai had already run to find Fang Haoli.

On the way to the airport, Luo Ziqing had already sent Fang Haobai a text message.

Fang Haoli, who was receiving guests, was taken aback when he saw Fang Haobai's car, and then put on a hypocritical smile. When Fang Haobai walked up to him, he stretched out his hand: "Thank you, Young Master Fang, for coming~"

Fang Haobai looked at his current face, which looked exactly like his own, and was extremely upset, he brushed his hand away: "I'm not here to attend your broken engagement banquet, I'm just here to tell you, Meng Yao is going abroad, just today, if you still have a conscience, go see her off."

Fang Haoli was stunned for a moment, but still smiled and said, "Oh? Is that so? Then I wish her a happy life outside. I'm the leading actor in today's engagement banquet, how can I leave?"

On the surface, he put on that disgusting face, but in fact, there was a huge wave in his heart, he waited for so long!She clearly promised to come!Why? !Why did you go back on your word? ! !
Fang Haoli and Fang Haobai are twins. Everyone said that there will be a strange telepathy between twins. At this moment, Fang Haobai felt a burst of unbearable distress. He seemed to know something suddenly. , suddenly raised his head and looked at Fang Haoli: "You..."

Sure enough, he finally found his heart in Fang Haoli's eyes, under layers of camouflage, where the waves were choppy and full of pain.

When Fang Haoli saw Fang Haobai looking straight at him, he knew that he had been seen through.

Haobai is his biological brother, so does he... really see through himself, then he, can he understand his sadness, his true feelings?

After a long while, Fang Haobai sighed helplessly: "Forget it, I won't force you to do anything now, I just ask you, do you want to stay, think, I will help you hold the scene temporarily, if you don't want to, then don't Take my time. I know it's not convenient for you to say, so agree to wink."

Fang Haoli stared into Fang Haobai's eyes for a while, and then, slowly, blinked.

Fang Haobai pulled him over: "Since this is the case, hurry up, hurry up! Let's change clothes!"

Seeing Fang Haoli's confused face, Fang Haobai retreated again: "We both look exactly the same, just pretending, what's the difficulty? Hurry up, or it will be too late!"

Fang Haoli just woke up like a dream, and ran to the locker room with Fang Haobai.

 It's the third day of junior high, and my parents are strict with me. They don't allow me to write my homework until I finish my homework. It's too embarrassing to update the mobile phone that my parents secretly got while they were asleep!Can you change it to Saturday and Sunday nights for updates in the future?If there is no change on Saturday, there will be two changes on Sunday, is it possible?In addition, Qiqi will read it when she opens the comment area, but she has no time to reply. If she abandons the article, Qiqi will not do so, please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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