Chapter 175 Disguise
"How could Dad have something to do with the gang? There must be something we don't know about it. You have been in the company for so long, but Dad is so relieved. He is not worried about what you will know in the company. There are only two possibilities. One is that Dad is not afraid of us finding out, and even let us find out on purpose, and the other is that Dad doesn't believe that we will find out about it."

Fang Haoli sighed: "There is a third possibility."


"Dad didn't think my IQ would allow me to discover this. I can't deny that you've been smarter than me since you were a kid, so when you refused to take over the company after Dad retired, Dad didn't Entanglement, because he is afraid, he is afraid that as long as you meddle in the company's affairs, you will find out what he is doing."

Fang Haobai fell silent.

"And you see, when I encountered something, I could only suspect that Dad was laundering money, but he didn't think so deeply like you. Haobai, I'm not as good as you."

Fang Haobai closed his eyes forcefully: "It's not that you are inferior to me, you are simply hiding your strength! You think I will believe your nonsense, why did the car accident at the age of six hurt your brain, make you Has your IQ dropped a lot? I've never heard of anyone in a car accident losing their IQ!"

"Haobai! Parents like you more! Everyone can tell! I just... just satisfy them. I have become an older brother whose IQ is not as good as my younger brother, so they can take it for granted that they like you more, right?" At the end , Fang Haoli's eyes were already red.

For so many years, he has been not as smart as Fang Haobai, but they are twins, they look exactly the same, and they were born by the same parents. How can it be possible that the IQ difference between the two is so big?

It is said that there is a telepathy between the twins. He already knew that Fang Haobai knew that he was faking it, but the two of them still kept their hearts hidden from their parents.

All the reason is because Shui Ruoqing and Fang Moshu prefer Fang Haobai!Not even hiding it!

"Haobai, that's enough. We don't have time. If I reach the age where I can get married, it will be too late. We must destroy the evidence of dad's money laundering in the past few years. Dad's... Be sure to ask clearly!"

"...Okay, I will help you. No matter what method you use these days, get Ying Xiaorou's USB flash drive and insert it into your computer. When the time comes, contact me. I will put a virus in it. Here This evidence is considered settled." Fang Haobai looked a little tired, leaning on the back of the chair.

Fang Haoli looked at him and said: "I know you want to put the virus in the USB flash drive, let it directly hack all the computers of Ying's family and eliminate the evidence, but in case there are people other than Ying's family who have If so, what should I do?"

"Now I can only take one step at a time. Don't worry, it will take another month at most, including Dad's side, everything can be done, as long as you...don't pretend anymore."

"……Lets see."

The two of them finally finished talking and went out to find Luo Ziqing, but they couldn't find anyone there.

Fang Haobai thought of Mu Yuwei's kidnapping of Luo Ziqing, and Wen Qi's kidnapping of Luo Ziqing, and suddenly felt ominous.

He casually grabbed a waiter who was passing by: "Did you see a cute little girl?"

 Chinese New Year is almost here... The big baby Qiqi who wants a red envelope silently shows cuteness to you for three seconds and then returns to a cold look... I will ask you if you have a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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