Chapter 176 Sincerely
The waiter was taken aback, and when he saw Fang Haobai's almost fierce face, he trembled and dared not even speak.

Fang Haoli stretched out his hand to pull the two people apart, and said, "Don't worry, you're scaring him, take your time." Only then did Fang Haobai relax his expression a little, and let the man speak.

The waiter pointed to the small steps at the door: "Just now there was a beautiful lady sitting here, counting ants on the ground, she seemed to be waiting for someone, but when I delivered a table of dishes, she disappeared. I thought it was just waiting for someone to leave.”

Fang Haobai asked him again: "Is it the girl who wears the same school uniform as me? I'm going to your monitoring room, find someone to open the door of the monitoring room, hurry up!"

The waiter hurriedly led the way: "Yes, yes, it is the uniform of this school. I, my, my monitoring room is on this side! I will go to the store manager to get it now, just wait!"

When the waiter asked the store manager for the key, Fang Haobai and Fang Haoli entered the surveillance room, asked the waiter to find the surveillance from half an hour ago, and saw Luo Zi squatting on the small steps at the gate counting Touching the little ants under the feet, the hands are still a little bit, and they seem to be very happy.

Fang Haobai pressed the fast-forward button, and slowed down until he saw a black car parked in front of the store. Two people came out of it, knocked Luo Ziqing unconscious with a hand knife, and then dragged her into the car .

Fang Haobai could see clearly that those two people were Qinghu and Bai Miao!The person Mu Yuwei sent to kidnap Luo Ziqing before!
Seeing that he hasn't moved for so long, I thought he wouldn't make any more moves, but I didn't expect to take Luo Ziqing away again today?He has been staying with that person named Xiao Lan recently, and it seems that the two of them are quite close, so he probably doesn't like Luo Ziqing anymore.

Then what was his reason for kidnapping Luo Ziqing this time?
Fang Haoli had already dialed Mu Yuwei's number from the side.

"Mu Yuwei, return Ziqing to us."

"Young Master Fang, don't worry, the Meilan Private Room is on the first floor of the Mu's Hotel in the Mu family. I'll wait for you. Let's have a good chat. Don't worry, I won't hurt Zi Qing."


Before Fang Haoli could say the next sentence, Mu Yuwei hung up the phone.

Fang Haobai and Fang Haoli glanced at each other, swept away the car keys on the table and ran outside.


The two of them took the trail and speeded along the way, and hurriedly drove to Mu's Hotel. Bai Miao was already waiting for them at the door.

"Master Fang, Second Young Master, this way please, master has been waiting for you for a long time."

Bai Miao led the two of them to the largest plum and orchid private room on the first floor. The moment they opened the door and entered, the bright colors of plum blossoms and orchids caught the eyes of the two of them, which seemed a little dazzling at this time.

Seeing the delicacies on the table, Fang Haobai sneered and said, "Young Master Mu, what do you mean by this? Are you throwing a grand banquet?"

Mu Yu didn't signal the two of them to sit down: "You two have misunderstood, I just want to talk to you about the Ying family." Fang Haobai and Fang Haoli stood motionless in place: "We are not interested in talking to you. When the sun clears, let's go immediately."

"I sincerely want to cooperate with you, but I don't regret what happened to me before. I just hope that one size can be changed to one size. We all know what will happen if this family is supported again."

 It's Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year~ Red envelope, red envelope, red envelope!
(End of this chapter)

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