Chapter 180 Leng Ran
Fang Haobai finally opened his mouth, breaking the tranquility: "I have no objection if you want to help him, but I will not accept him! I will never forgive him in my whole life."

"Haobai, I know you are a good boy who is filial and respects the elders. It has been so long since your father and I have forgotten about it. You don't have to reject your second uncle like this because of me." .” Fang Moshu was a little helpless.

At the beginning, Fang Qing did bring too much harm to the Fang family, but why can't it be said that Fang Qing squandered his own money?Since Fang Qing founded the Fang family, the profits he has brought to the Fang family are estimated at tens of billions. Therefore, no matter how much money Fang Qing squanders, he has earned it himself!

In a way, Fang Qing was not wrong, not at all.

"But, Mom, she..." Fang Haobai's emotions gradually became agitated.

"Haobai! Are you still listening to me?! I told you, I've already forgotten about it, don't mention it again!"

"Anyway, I will never accept him no matter what! It's getting late, I have to go to school tomorrow, so go to bed first!"

Fang Haobai stood up with cold eyes, bowed respectfully and alienated, and left Fang Moshu's study without even taking the laptop on the table.

"...this child!"

Fang Haoli said with some embarrassment: "Dad, don't be angry, Haobai is just more excited at the moment, don't blame him, the impact of the previous incident on the two of us is actually quite big, not to mention that we were just like that at the time. Little. So, I'm afraid I have to stand on Haobai's side this time, Second Uncle, I won't accept it, I have to go back too, Dad, you should also rest earlier. "

After the voice fell, the computer screen went dark, and Fang Haoli went offline.

Fang Moshu looked at the computer, then at the door that was slammed shut by Fang Haobai, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his hand wearing a jade wrench gripped the sofa cushion: "These two My child, you are just too smart..."

The next day, Fang Haobai and Luo Ziqing got up and planned to go to school after breakfast. When Luo Ziqing was putting on his shoes at the entrance, Fang Moshu happened to come down from upstairs.

"Morning godfather~"

Fang Moshu smiled at Zi Qing: "Morning Zi Qing." Immediately, his eyes drifted to Fang Haobai.

Fang Haobai's cold eyes met his, so cold that it hurt his heart.

Without saying a word, Fang Haobai just looked at him and nodded, even if he said hello, it was very polite, not like a father and son, but like a guest and host.

Luo Ziqing immediately felt that the aura of the two of them was not right, looked both sides inquiringly, and swallowed.

With Fang Haobai's aura, why does it feel like he wants to kill someone?

"Haobai, let's go, we're late!" Luo Ziqing couldn't help but dragged Fang Haobai outside, the most urgent thing was to separate the two of them first!

Fang Haobai, who was being pulled by Luo Ziqing, suddenly lost his breath, and with a slight smile, he let Luo Ziqing pull him away, his eyes full of doting.

After getting into the car, Luo Ziqing put on a serious face and stared at Fang Haobai: "Tell me! What happened to you and your godfather? Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. If you hurt your godfather, Miss Ben must be rude to you!"

Fang Haobai laughed out loud when he saw Luo Ziqing acting like a people's policeman.

"Girl, you are very interesting."

 coming!Babies, did God say to make a date?A baby asked a question before, but at that time Qiqi didn't update the software here, so I didn't answer it, so I will answer it now!
  In addition, do a questionnaire survey, how do you guys know about Qiqi's books?

(End of this chapter)

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