childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 181 Do you think the company is your home?

Chapter 181 Do you think the company is your home?
Luo Ziqing suddenly became popular: "What's interesting, interesting! I'm telling you serious things, you hurry up and answer my questions seriously, and you are not allowed to hide anything. If you don't tell me, I will give you a week Ignore you as punishment!"

Fang Haobai is also helpless, this girl is promising now, she dares to stand on his head and threaten him, but she went to Fang Moshu last night after Luo Ziqing fell asleep because she didn't want Luo Ziqing to know. It's all right now, I have to let her know.

But even so, this matter cannot be told to Luo Ziqing.

Fang Haobai put away his playful smile and frowned, and Luo Ziqing knew the seriousness of this matter.

"Is this really that serious?"

"Zi Qing, this matter is complicated. Although we haven't fully figured it out yet, we are already investigating, and it involves the Fang family company and other families, as well as the Haoli matter. There are too many things involved, and I really can't tell you."

Luo Ziqing also understood the reason, so she let Fang Haobai go.

When these things are involved, it is no longer a matter of Fang Haobai and Fang Moshu quarreling, she really can't help, even if Fang Haobai shakes it all out, she can only be anxious , a disservice.

After school at noon, Fang Haobai took Luo Ziqing to the company again, looking for Fang Haoli. He originally wanted to go out to eat together, but Fang Haoli still had a lot of things to do, and he still had to be busy. That, so a few people had no choice but to order takeaway to eat in the office, Fang Haoli could only look at them apologetically.

Luo Ziqing smiled and shook her head: "It doesn't matter, where you eat is not what you eat, what you eat is not what you eat, as long as everyone is there, it will be fine!"

Fang Haobai also flaunted it, but both of them saw sorrow and helplessness in each other's eyes. What happened to the second uncle really gave a big shock to the relationship between the father and son.

Luo Ziqing didn't take a good look around the company for a long time, so she said that she went out by herself. Fang Haobai thought that there was no hidden danger in the company, so he let Luo Ziqing go alone.

When Luo Ziqing was young, she often came to the company to play with Fang Moshu and Fang Haobai. The reason was that it was too boring at home, so she wanted to come out to have fun. In addition, Fang’s company treated employees very well, so in the company There will be a small leisure area inside, with free massage, wine, coffee, milk tea, biscuits, and many other things, so a few people are more willing to come.

It is for this reason that everyone in the company knows that there is always a cute and clever little girl next to the two young masters, who is doted on by the two boys and the president.

But the company always changes people, so there are still people who provoke Luo Ziqing, such as Fang Haoli's front desk assistant last time, who is the senior in front of Ying Xiaorou, and the current sales director Ying Xiaorou.

Seeing Luo Ziqing dangling around on her own site, Ying Xiaorou, who was not familiar with the business department, thought it was an employee of her own department, and opened her mouth to say something ugly: "How dare you openly absent from work in front of me? I don't know now Is it working time? Do you treat the company as your home, so you can be at ease?"

(End of this chapter)

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